Featured Calendar: Babypalooza


Babypalooza connects new and expecting parents with events, courses, and baby products. The non-profit organization hosts events aimed to create a light-hearted community around education and access to resources.

People visiting the site can watch product demos, chat with other parents, and learn tips for child-rearing success. Babypalooza also has an events calendar that we’re drooling over. Here’s why we love it so much.

Rolling over to the homepage

On the homepage, a rotating background of images features a direct link to the events page with the Find an Event button.

Babypalooza homepage. White header with orange logo and button to sign up. Hero area has an image of a nurse taking an ultrasound.

Anyone can sign up to join the community, read blog posts, and see product recommendations from the navigation menu at the top of the page.

But if you scroll down a bit, you’ll see an embedded Photo View calendar at the bottom of the page. Babypalooza is using the [tribe_events view=”photo”] shortcode to showcase events in the footer. The flexibility of the shortcode allows them to embed events just about anywhere on the site.

Visitors can also toggle between other views, including list, month, and week views.

Crawling the blog page

Showing three card images next to one another. Each has a featured image, event details, and a link to purchase tickets.

The blog page showcases upcoming events in the sidebar using the Events List Widget. While scanning recent blog posts, parents can glance at events they may want to attend.

Main blog page. Each post is displayed as a card in a masonry layout that includes the featured image, excerpt and author of each post. There is a sidebar on the right to login and see a list of upcoming events.

First steps onto the main calendar page

On the main calendar page, you’ll see all of the upcoming events in List View.

The main calendar page showing events in a list format. Each event includes the event date and time followed by the event title, excerpt, tickets link and price. The featured image for each event is floated to the right of the event details.

Babypalooza opted to remove the search bar, which you can do by checking the box under Events Settings → Display Disable the Event Search Bar.

The site uses updated calendar views for a fresh, modern calendar appearance. The calendar is also available in other views including month, photo, and week.

The calendar displayed in month view. The calendar is white with light gray lines. The date for the current date is highlighted in orange text.

Running from the event page through the checkout process

Each single event page includes details for the event, plus an option to purchase tickets.

Pro tip: You can add ecommerce-ready tickets like this to your website using Event Tickets Plus.

Th event page. There is a large header that says mommy mingle on it. There is a tickets form below that with a single ticket available for 20 dollars. There is an orange button to purchase the ticket.

Check out how Babypalooza uses the block editor. For instance, they use a details block to clearly list all of the upcoming event information.

The details of the events. It includes the date, time, court, and event category in a list.

The cart page shows the ticket ready for purchase. This page inherits the theme colors, keeping everything consistent across the site.

The Babypalooza cart with a Mommy Mingle ticket in it for a total of $20.

The attendee registration form is easy to fill out and includes a ticket summary for participants to confirm registration details.

The Babypalooza checkout with a registration form for the attendee to complete, including name and email address. A ticket summary including the ticket cost is in a sidebar on the right.

Final thoughts before nap time

Babypalooza uses our full suite of plugins to make their calendaring dreams come true, and you can, too! In fact, with The Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro, you can add a calendar of events to your website complete with premium shortcodes and widgets to complement any area of your website. 

Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus  make it easy to enhance your calendar with tickets, create custom attendee registration forms, and keep track of all of your attendees.