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Summary Maintenance Release This minor release introduces a couple of minor tweaks and template updates. This is considered a maintenance release, meaning there are no breaking changes. That said, it’s always a good idea to make a backup of your site and database before installing the latest version of the plugin as you would do…


Some events are general admission. Some are virtual. And others require assigned seating. When it comes to selling tickets for an event where seat assignments matter, the topic is always going to turn to seating charts. Seating charts add a whole additional layer of planning to an event. In this post, we’ll walk through the…


This extension adds a set of block patterns for events to the WordPress block editor. WordPress block patterns as a new feature to the block editor in WordPress 5.5. If you’re familiar with the block editor, you can think of a block pattern like a saved group of blocks that can be reused as many times and…


Like many other parents, I’ve found myself homeschooling my kids while schools are closed. It’s been a heckuva transition, but my wife and I have picked up a few tricks along the way to make things easier. For starters, we’re using The Events Calendar to create a class schedule. It’s been a life-saver for us…


Jake Kroeger was performing at open mics around Los Angeles when he realized something was missing: There wasn’t any online hub for information about the LA comedy scene. So Jake took it upon himself to create The Comedy Bureau, a comprehensive listing of comedy shows and open mics in the Los Angeles area. Ten years…


Summary Maintenance Release The Events Calendar 5.1.6 features the addition of some updates for our Events Calendar Pro users, as well as improvements to CSV import functionality. This is a minor release that should be smooth sailing when updating. That said, it’s always a good idea to backup your site and test changes in a development environment before installing…