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Today we’ve released the latest maintenance build for The Events Calendar and its stable of premium add-ons. Given the magnitude of the updates (particularly for Community Events), and in keeping consistent with semantic versioning, we’ve bumped all plugin version numbers to 3.1. This means — as of today — there are 3.1 releases available for:…


Today I want to share with you a really, really cool example of Events Calendar Pro. If you check out Great Maine Outdoor Weekend, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. They’ve got about 30 events per day happening this weekend! That’s a crazy amount of cool stuff to go outside and do and in…


It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means…another video preview of The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 3.0. Today we focus on something new. So new, in fact, that it hasn’t even been released yet: the impending filters panel add-on (which hasn’t even had time to be given an official, snazzy name). The filters…


It’s a new week, and I’m keeping the preview posts for The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 3.0 coming full force. If you watched my last round you’ll know we ended last week focusing on a marathon 2-part video detailing the “General” settings tab in all its glory. Today, we’re continuing down that path…


We’re shifting gears a bit in today’s videos. All of our previews for The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 3.0 so far have focused on frontend views and how users can engage with them. Today’s begins a brief series that stays mostly behind the scenes, addressing the updated Settings panel in 3.0. The 2-part…


We just pushed an update to our Facebook Events add-on, and you’ll want to update to the 1.0.5 release whenever possible. It is mostly bug fixes, addressing a number of changes or inconsistencies with the Facebook API that have been reported at the forums. These include a couple fairly significant adjustments to the handling of time…


It’s that time again…our October-November maintenance build is officially out, and The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 2.0.10 were both released this afternoon. We also updated each of the add-ons (mostly minor tweaks) and are releasing WooTickets 1.0 tomorrow. As this will probably be the last round of maintenance builds for 2012, we tried to fix in…


You’ll notice there were no product releases last month. While we didn’t take a team-wide summer vacation, everyone on the crew had their own distractions — babies, weddings, moving and what have you — that kept us focused on dev and support, but not pushing any products live. But I’m excited to say that we’re…


Our first monthly maintenance release for Eventbrite Tickets was released today. If you’ve entered your license key on the backend of any site where the plugin is being used, you’ll be prompted to update automatically – if not, just log in and visit Account Central -> Downloads here at the site. It is worth noting…


The response to Community Events 1.0 when it launched last month was awesome, and we appreciate everyone who bought it and shared their experiences so far. Today marks the release of our first maintenance update for that add-on,If you’ve entered your license key on the backend of any site where the plugin is being used,…


We’ve just released the 2.0.4 update for The Events Calendar and Events Calendar PRO. It features mostly bug fixes – including a somewhat significant one impacting lost venue/organizer data for non-PRO users – but a couple features we’ve been getting requests for made the cut too. Release Notes for WordPress Events Calendar 2.0.4: Small features,…


Jumping into 2012, there’s a lot we at Modern Tribe have in store on the WordPress plugin front that we’re extremely excited about. The first of those is out today: The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 2.0.3, which patches a number of bugs (some critical, some minor) that were introduced in the 2.0.2 code…


Happy Holidays!! It has been a busy month at modern tribe events HQ. Eventbrite tickets is in beta and community events is making great headway. Events 2.0.2 is now live and work on 2.1 had begun! We’d separated those into a 2.0.1 release (more urgent bugs) and 2.0.2 (still bugs but less urgent). There won’t…


Its been a busy week at modern tribe events HQ. We had lots a awesome new users and old users upgrading. The good news is that our soft launch went wonderfully, validating our business plan (leaving the code canyon marketplace and going solo). You are all so much more creative in your usages than we…