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  • in reply to: Venue & Organiser views and filtering #959263

    Thanks for the follow up, Paul! Awesome to hear you’re on track. I’m going to close this forum thread but feel free to open up a new one if you have any other questions. 🙂

    Kind Regards,


    Hey Oliver!

    It’s a pleasure to meet you. I hope you don’t mind that I help you out with this one. 🙂

    The sidebar that you’re seeing on the other pages of your site is displayed by your theme templates. The Events Calendar has its own templates so for us to get the theme’s sidebar to integrate with the plugin templates, we’ll have to look into leveraging the Themer’s Guide.

    If you’d like to add a sidebar to your events list page, for example, you’ll want to create a folder in your theme called “/tribe-events/” and copy over the events list page template file from the plugin to your theme folder. In this case, that template file would be:


    Then it’s just a matter of editing that template with your theme’s sidebar snippet.

    For your reference, the plugin template files are located in the following places:

    The Events Calendar template files

    The Events Calendar Pro template files

    The Community add-on template files

    I hope that helps get you started! Let me know if you have any other questions or if I can help with anything else.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Customising WooCommerce #958950

    Hey Simon,

    It’s good to hear from you again! Hope you’ve been well! I’m happy to help dig into your event Woo tickets styling.

    This snippet should allow you to customize the ticket container including the background color and padding:


    Customizing the other colors and fonts will require a little more poking around with an element inspector like Firebug (with Firefox). Or if you’re using Chrome, right click on your page and select “Inspect Element” to identify the CSS for them.

    But to get you further started, this should allow you to change the color of the “Add to Cart” button:


    The original styles for the button are located in the WooCommerce plugin at:


    I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: 502 Error on events #958918

    Hello Ray,

    Welcome back to the forums! I’m really sorry to hear about that odd 502 error you’re receiving. I’d love to dig into this a little more. Can you let me know the exact PHP error you’re receiving in your server log?

    And I want to double check that you were able to go through these troubleshooting steps like switching to a default theme, disable all plugins except Tribe Events plugins, clear your browser cache, and retest.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Kind Regards,


    in reply to: CSV Import and multiple calendars #958889

    Hi Cindy,

    I’m happy to help with your extra questions. 🙂

    Are the Categories that import over, the fields to the left that folks can click on? Events will have several categories / fields.

    You can assign multiple categories to your events. In your CSV, you’ll enter multiple categories by adding a comma between each category given to an individual event.

    As for your users, they will be able to select the categories they’d like to view if you have the Filter Bar add-on.

    Can I have an area that imports in for the event website that the end user can click on?

    I’m not sure that I completely understand what you mean here but if we’re talking about allowing users to add their own events to your calendar, this can be done with the Community Events add-on. If that’s not what you mean, feel free to explain a bit further.

    Is there a limit to the number of characters in the description field?

    Nope, there’s no limit here.

    Is there a limit to the Title field?

    There’s also no limit to the title of your events. The only concern I can think of considering how your theme is handling very long titles. Sometimes the theme author may not consider that scenario and an extra bit of line spacing or padding would make it more readable.

    I hope that helps! Let me know if there’s anything else I can help out with.

    Kind Regards,


    I’m glad to hear that worked! I’m going to mark this as resolved but if you have any other questions, feel free to open a new thread. 🙂

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Back button after deleting an event #958872

    Thanks again for your help, Pablo! If you have any other questions or come across anything else, feel free to open a new forum thread. 🙂

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Back button after deleting an event #958614

    Thanks for the quick response, Pablo! I’m definitely able to recreate that issue now and I’ve gone ahead and reported it to our developers along with a link to this forum thread. The good news is that the deleted event is removed after the “My Events” page is refreshed but I can see how it’s confusing to see it still listed there initially.

    I’ll keep you posted on the progress with that and want to thank you again for bringing this to our attention.

    Let me know if you have any other questions in the mean time.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: CSV Import and multiple calendars #958590

    Hey Cindy!

    Thanks for checking out the Events Calendar! You’ve got some great questions and I’m happy to help.

    First, check out this video put together by Rob on how to use the CVS importer. Hopefully that will cover all of your questions about how that works but if not, feel free to let me know if there’s anything I can clarify about it.

    You won’t be able to create multiple calendars but you can link directly to each calendar category. For example, if your categories are “Sports” and “Education” then you can link to these category pages (in your navigation or wherever) and your users would see those specific category events:


    As for returns, we offer full refunds within 30 days of purchase.

    Thanks again for considering our plugin! Please feel free to get back in touch if you have any other questions. 🙂

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: List view: images don't float after update #958569

    Hi Mario,

    Welcome to the support forums! I’m happy to help get things sorted out with your list view. Can you recall how the customizations were applied originally? If the plugin was edited directly, then any changes made to the files would have been overwritten when the plugin was updated. That’s why it’s important to add custom templates separately.

    The list view single event content template is located at:


    You can customize that template by adding it to your theme like this:


    Let me know if you can recall how the template was originally customized or if you need some more guidance on how to apply those customizations to your theme so that they don’t get lost in future updates.

    Kind Regards,


    Hi Darryl,

    It’s great to hear from you again. Hope you’ve been well! Applying this bit of CSS should take care of that text shadow you’re seeing:

    .footer-area a { text-shadow: none; }

    Let me know if you have any other questions or if I can help with anything else.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Back button after deleting an event #958522

    Hey Pablo! It’s great to hear from you and thanks a million for your kind words! 🙂

    I’m trying to re-create the behavior you’ve described and I want to make sure that I’m taking the same steps. Do you mean that you’re deleting the event from the WordPress Dashboard but the event is still showing up publicly in your events list?

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Dark theme for Events Calendar #958504

    Hi Marcus,

    Thanks for giving The Events Calendar a go! I can definitely see how it would better integrate visually with your site if it had a dark style to match. Right now, the templates you see available in Events > Settings > Display are the only ones that come packaged with the plugin though.

    Adding dark styles would just be a matter of adding your own CSS to match. Here’s a quick run-down on how you can add your own stylesheet:


    I hope that helps a bit. Let me know if you have any other questions or if I can help with anything else.

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: Venue & Organiser views and filtering #958488

    Hey Paul! Welcome to the community! Those are some great questions. I’ll do my best to address each of them below:

    1. In the LIST view I want the Venue name to link to a separate page with all the Venue details

    We’ve put together a handy plugin that creates a couple of shortcodes that will list all of your venues and organizations. In order for the shortcodes to function, you’ll need to have both the core Events Calendar plugin, the PRO version, and the Venue/Organizer Shortcodes plugin installed and activated. Once you have your venues listed on a page with that shortcode, you can customize the list page view template with a link to that page.

    2. In the LIST view I want the Organiser name to link to a separate page with all the Organiser details

    Same deal as above here. You can use the following shortcode with the Venue/Organizer Shortcodes plugin to generate a list of organizers: [list_organizers]

    3. In the Search bar of the LIST view, I want a “Filter by Venue” dropdown.

    To add additional search configurations (including “Filter by Venue”), you should look at using the Filter Bar add-on. It will work with both the core Events Calendar plugin and the Pro version. Here’s an example of it in action (click “Show Filters”):  http://wpshindig.com/events/

    4. In the Search bar of the LIST view, I want a “Filter by Organiser” dropdown

    We got you covered here too! The Filter Bar add-on will take care of this for you as well. Another cool thing about this add-on is that you can organize the search filters however you’d like by just dragging and dropping them into place. 🙂

    So from all of those features you’ve listed, it sounds like you should look into adding the Pro version and the Filter Bar add-on.

    Let me know if there’s something I may have missed or if you had any other questions about those features!

    Kind Regards,

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