Customising WooCommerce

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    Hi there, I have just bought the WooCommerce add on for events calendar and I’m having trouble finding any stylesheets to customise the colours/fonts etc. I have tried editing .tribe-events-meta-group-tickets and other variations in my style sheet with no changes so could you tell me the location for the background of this table (which I would like to make transparent) and for input text/button so I can also change the font and colour on these.


    Hey Simon,

    It’s good to hear from you again! Hope you’ve been well! I’m happy to help dig into your event Woo tickets styling.

    This snippet should allow you to customize the ticket container including the background color and padding:

    Customizing the other colors and fonts will require a little more poking around with an element inspector like Firebug (with Firefox). Or if you’re using Chrome, right click on your page and select “Inspect Element” to identify the CSS for them.

    But to get you further started, this should allow you to change the color of the “Add to Cart” button:

    The original styles for the button are located in the WooCommerce plugin at:


    I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind Regards,


    Hi Simon,

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen any activity here so I’m going to close the thread. Please feel free to open a new one if you need anything else though!

    Kind Regards,

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