You Searched: Thesis



I remember the first time I opened up a WordPress theme file. I didn’t understand a lick of PHP, and my eyes glazed over the code. To be honest, I was horrified and nearly abandoned learning PHP and how to theme for WordPress. You see, I’m a designer and programming is not my strong suit.…


Happy Holidays!! It has been a busy month at modern tribe events HQ. Eventbrite tickets is in beta and community events is making great headway. Events 2.0.2 is now live and work on 2.1 had begun! We’d separated those into a 2.0.1 release (more urgent bugs) and 2.0.2 (still bugs but less urgent). There won’t…


We’re down to the final stretch with Events Calendar Pro 2.0: the latest & final round of the beta is in the bands of our capable testers, our developers are squashing the few bugs that remain and we’re putting the finishing touches on the site where all this stuff is going to live. We’ve got…