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Our smallest maintenance release this month, the 1.0.3 build of Eventbrite Tickets is nonetheless an important update if you want to ensure you’re running the freshest code. It automatically displays the Eventbrite Tickets panel within individual events…which, if user feedback from the last build is any indication, should save users a solid chunk of time…


You’ll notice there were no product releases last month. While we didn’t take a team-wide summer vacation, everyone on the crew had their own distractions — babies, weddings, moving and what have you — that kept us focused on dev and support, but not pushing any products live. But I’m excited to say that we’re…


We’re looking for a few good men & women to participate in our next usability test, taking place this Thursday, August 16 from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pacific time. Free during that timeframe and interested in helping out? Awesome! We’d love to have you. Unlike the past two usability rounds, in which we’ve focused…


This release comes a bit later in the month than normal, and we’ve been putting the finishing touches on The Events Calendar 2.0.8 the past few days. As you’ll see there were a ton of translation files submitted this month and we’ve worked as many of them in as we received before codefreeze. We’ve also added a…


We’ve just deployed a mid-month release of Community Events, version, which addresses a somewhat critical bug we found that emerged with the release of WordPress 3.4. Please update when able. This patch is being released after we received reports that the frontend “My Events” list — which users click to see their submitted events —…


In our constant quest to make using The Events Calendar and it’s add-ons as awesome a process as possible for everyone, we’re gearing up for our first round of usability testing. We’re looking for a handful of users who are available next Thursday (June 14, 2012) to give us about 30-60 minutes of their time.…


We’ve just put the finishing touches on our Facebook Events add-on for The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO, and of this evening it is officially live. The add-on serves a simple purpose: importing events from Facebook. Some specific highlights: Import events from either a Facebook organization or a Facebook page (importing from personal pages is not possible…


Our first monthly maintenance release for Eventbrite Tickets was released today. If you’ve entered your license key on the backend of any site where the plugin is being used, you’ll be prompted to update automatically – if not, just log in and visit Account Central -> Downloads here at the site. It is worth noting…


The response to Community Events 1.0 when it launched last month was awesome, and we appreciate everyone who bought it and shared their experiences so far. Today marks the release of our first maintenance update for that add-on,If you’ve entered your license key on the backend of any site where the plugin is being used,…


The day many of you (and much of our team) have been waiting for has arrived: the Eventbrite Tickets add-on is live! When running the add-on coupled with The Events Calendar or Events Calendar PRO, Eventbrite Tickets will allow you to embed ticket sales directly within your event listings so users can register for any…


It recently came to our attention that prior to releasing the 2.0.3 build, we inadvertently changed the webcal feed version number in the Events Calendar PRO plugin code. This in turn made it impossible for some users to import their events into external calendars (google calendar or iCal) without seeing an error message telling them…


Jumping into 2012, there’s a lot we at Modern Tribe have in store on the WordPress plugin front that we’re extremely excited about. The first of those is out today: The Events Calendar / Events Calendar PRO 2.0.3, which patches a number of bugs (some critical, some minor) that were introduced in the 2.0.2 code…


Events Calendar PRO 2.0 is just around the corner. During the final QA round, we exposed a few critical bugs that delayed us from pushing the plugin live on September 20 as initially planned; we’ve used the past few days to knock those out and are on track to take the plugin live later this…


We’re down to the final stretch with Events Calendar Pro 2.0: the latest & final round of the beta is in the bands of our capable testers, our developers are squashing the few bugs that remain and we’re putting the finishing touches on the site where all this stuff is going to live. We’ve got…