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  • in reply to: Setting default author for community event submissions #1008510

    Thanks for the clarification, Jeremiah. I understand your issue and understand its use case.

    However, I didn’t find that as an existing feature request at our Community Events UserVoice page.

    Please do add your feature request there.

    This allows others who are interested in that feature to easily voice their support. We frequently review suggestions there to find out which ones are popular, then we implement as many of them as we can.

    Once you post it, feel free to link to it from here in case anyone comes across this forum thread in the future.

    in reply to: After sales #1008477

    Richard, thanks for letting us know my previous reply resolved your question. Have a wonderful day.

    in reply to: Countdown timer displaying wrong time #1008062

    Thanks for the quick follow-up and confirming the plugin conflict. I wish you and your site well!

    in reply to: Setting default author for community event submissions #1008060

    Hi Jeremiah.

    Please go to wp-admin > Events > Settings > Community

    Do you see the “Form Defaults” settings section?

    Screenshot 2015-09-23 16.45.33

    If yes, are those the settings you’re looking for and do they work for you?

    If no, would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the ‘Set as private reply’ checkbox to protect your private information from the public. You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the ‘System Information’ box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help) That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    in reply to: Images not appearing using share buttons #1008055

    Hi. I hope you’re doing well.

    Our plugins do add some ld+json Event schema data, but our plugins do not add any open graph data.

    Facebook continually changes how they “digest” sites. You could choose to test any of your links in Facebook’s debug/linter tool if you’d like to test how they view your single-event pages, but we wouldn’t provide support for that.

    If it really was one of our plugin updates that changed the way Facebook digested your single-event links, it wasn’t deliberate.

    Sorry this probably isn’t what you were wanting to hear; maybe you thought our plugins supported sharing via Facebook.

    I hope to hear back from you with some follow-up information if you choose to look into this further.



    in reply to: Display Anomaly in WordPress (in)SPYRE theme #1008042

    Hi Christopher. doesn’t display events, but does have a calendar.

    I see you provided login credentials to your site, but we’re not able to login to client sites.

    Would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the ‘Set as private reply’ checkbox to protect your private information from the public. You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the ‘System Information’ box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help). That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.


    in reply to: Countdown timer displaying wrong time #1008040

    Thanks for all the testing.

    I see from that your version 1.7.2 is the current version (assuming this is the correct plugin you said is likely causing the error).

    With that plugin deactivated, is the Events calendar countdown time accurate?

    Obviously, we don’t provide support for plugins that aren’t our own, but I’d suggest enabling WP_DEBUG and seeing what errors appear throughout the site. Plugin conflicts don’t always throw WP_DEBUG messages, but you might find something useful to send to the Series Engine plugin’s support.

    in reply to: Events Calendar widget not showing; must I upgrade? #1008038

    Hi Jarrett.

    I looked up your information and I see your organization in our list of past approvals for the non-profit program.

    Sorry to ask you to submit similar information again, but if you’d complete our new non-profit application, we’ll be able to hook you up with a proper license key so you can receive automatic updates and always stay on the latest version.

    Our non-profit licenses do not grant access to our premium support forums. If you need premium support services and/or forum access, you will need to purchase a regular license. You may choose to use the free (and limited) support forum if you choose not to purchase the paid support license.

    I wish you and your non-profit well.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    in reply to: remove_filter event_date_to_pubDate not work #1008032

    Yeah! Thanks. I love to hear that. 🙂


    Hi Christian. Sorry you’re having this issue, and thanks for sending your system information. I see you have the current versions of WordPress, the Events plugin, the PRO add-on, and the WooCommerce Tickets add-on — which is great.

    I looked into the file mentioned in your error message, and there is a sprintf there, but I don’t believe there’s an error. Additionally, I’m not seeing the error message you mentioned at the place this code is output: /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=display

    Here’s my screenshot of the top of that wp-admin link. Do you see the same thing, specifically the top info box that starts with the text, “The settings below control the display of your calendar” ?

    Screenshot 2015-09-23 15.29.34

    in reply to: remove_filter event_date_to_pubDate not work #1008020

    Thanks for trying that. Sorry it didn’t work yet.

    I tested and this one should work if placed in your theme’s functions.php:

    remove_filter( 'get_post_time', array( 'Tribe__Events__Templates', 'event_date_to_pubDate' ), 10 );

    • __CLASS__ needed to be changed to ‘Tribe__Events__Templates’
    • and the “3” after the “10” isn’t necessary

    Let me know how it goes!

    in reply to: Countdown timer displaying wrong time #1008008

    Thanks a lot for that info.

    Here’s what I saw:

    • your WP and Event plugin are both set to America/Toronto (same as Eastern) time zone
    • your services page countdown says the next event will be on Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 2 PM Eastern time
    • your single-event page shows the event time correctly as 10 AM

    So, yes, your widget’s countdown is 4 hours LATE.


    I tested both the widget countdown timer and shortcode countdown timer on my local install (which is in America/Chicago — Central time) and the widget and the shortcode displayed the same time and were accurate (not 4 hours off).

    Could you try temporarily activating the default Twenty Fifteen theme, and seeing if the issue persists.

    If disabling the theme fixes it, we have narrowed the issue down to a theme conflict. Do you have any theme overrides for the Events Calendar? If so could you try disabling them by renaming your [themename]/tribe-events/ folder to ‘tribe-events-bak’. Did that fix it?

    If the issue persists in the default Twenty Fifteen theme, then we have a different set of debugging steps. Please keep the Twenty Fifteen theme enabled, and also disable any plugins other than the ones from Modern Tribe to see if that fixes it. If it does, please try re-enabling the plugins one at a time until the issue resurfaces. When it does resurface, can you let me know which plugin caused that to happen?

    in reply to: Countdown timer displaying wrong time #1007907

    Hi Matthew. Thanks for your question and the link to your countdown timer.


    Would you please send me a link to your next upcoming event so I can see when it’s actually scheduled?


    Additionally, would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the ‘Set as private reply’ checkbox to protect your private information from the public. You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the ‘System Information’ box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help) That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    Once I get these 2 pieces of information, I’ll take a thorough look-see and let you know what I can find out and if I can replicate the issue.


    in reply to: remove_filter event_date_to_pubDate not work #1007905

    Hi Jonas. Thanks for the thorough information. It really helps.

    The WordPress Codex’s remove_filter page:

    Important: To remove a hook, the $function_to_remove and $priority arguments must match when the hook was added. This goes for both filters and actions. No warning will be given on removal failure.

    /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Templates.php contains this code:

    add_filter( 'get_post_time', array( __CLASS__, 'event_date_to_pubDate' ), 10, 3 );

    so you need to copy that exactly and change “add_filter” to “remove_filter”

    Please try that and let me know if that slight code change (adding priority — 10 — and number of arguments — 3) gets you moving forward in what you’re wanting.


    Simon and Kristy, I experienced the same issue with the link to edit the Events plugin’s settings from that error message.

    It links to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=the-events-calendar#tribe-field-singleEventSlug but actually should link to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar#tribe-field-eventsSlug

    Kristy, you do not need to create a new ticket… but if you did already, that’d actually be a good thing. 🙂

    I have filed this link as a bug report for our developers. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!

    For now, the workaround would be to manually navigate to wp-admin > Events > Settings > General tab > and find the “Events URL slug” setting.


    <b>Simon,</b> if you do not want to see the error notice (I wouldn’t either) — Option 1 — then please follow my Option 2.

    Let me know how Option 2 goes for you or if you need additional assistance with the instructions I provided previously.


    Thanks to both of you!

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