Display Anomaly in WordPress (in)SPYRE theme

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  • #1007900

    Hello — I love your product and use it on several sites I manage (including the PRO version for a site I am building here: http://donahuesrestaurant.com/events/).

    I am using the free version on a site I donated and built for my old college fraternity, and the individual event pages look great (http://www.psiofpsiu.com/event/psi-of-psi-u-career-day/), but the main events landing page won’t display right regardless of what permutation of styles and templates I choose (http://www.psiofpsiu.com/events/). With some combination of style options and templates, I can get the content to display on the main events page, but that content (and on the single event pages) bleeds over into the theme’s right sidebar.

    Any chance you could take a look?

    Thanks for any help you can provide. If I need to purchase the pro version for this site to fix this issue, please let me know, and I will do so.

    Chris Kilbourne


    Hi Christopher. http://www.psiofpsiu.com/events/ doesn’t display events, but http://www.psiofpsiu.com/calendar/ does have a calendar.

    I see you provided login credentials to your site, but we’re not able to login to client sites.

    Would you mind grabbing your psiofpsiu.com system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the ‘Set as private reply’ checkbox to protect your private information from the public. You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the ‘System Information’ box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help). That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.



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    This reply is private.


    Thanks for sending your system info. I can see that:

    I’m guessing it’s a theme or plugin conflict (as you said, you think it’s a conflict with the theme).

    There could be quite a few things that would lead to a plugin or theme conflict, and I’m curious about a few things. Would you mind enabling WP_DEBUG and sharing any PHP errors you see while navigating your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and any other of your site’s pages relevant to this ticket?

    Once you share your WP_DEBUG findings, we may be able to get an idea of any plugin or theme conflicts.

    Please enable WP_DEBUG on your site. You’ll need to edit to your site’s wp-config.php file and change this line of code: define('WP_DEBUG', false); to this: define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    (or add this line of code if you can’t find mention of ‘WP_DEBUG’ in your wp-config.php file)

    If any errors do appear while navigating your site’s pages, please copy and paste them in their entirety into a new ticket reply — along with the URL of where you saw the error(s) — and make sure you set it as a Private reply.

    Let us know what you find. 🙂

    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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