Event Tickets Plus 4.11.4

We are focusing on Shared Capacity settings in today’s Event Tickets release.

Here’s the key update you need to know: Users are now limited to 100 tickets (and RSVPs) in a single purchase. We put this in place both to protect you from ticket re-sales and your customers from making inadvertently high orders. Still need to offer people the option of more tickets in a purchase? Check out this snippet, which allows you to define a custom limit.

The detailed updates in this release are included below. This is a minor release and should be smooth sailing when installing it in WordPress. Bear in mind that it’s always a good idea to backup your site and test changes in a development environment before installing this on your live site, as you would with any other WordPress update.

  • Fix – We noticed that saving a post with a shared capacity ticket and purchase limit on it would reset the global stock settings that sets the number of all available tickets. Saving now correctly passes the argument to the REST API endpoint for an Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce ticket.
  • Fix – We ensure that changing a ticket with unlimited quantity to a ticket that shares capacity with other tickets correctly overrides the empty individual capacity for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads tickets.
  • Fix – We added sku and description to the REST API endpoint for tickets created with Easy Digital Downloads because they were returning empty.
  • Fix – Log potential QR code warnings to correct logger instead of causing a fatal error.
  • Fix – Setting a ticket or RSVP to “unlimited” quantity opens up the possibility of someone purchasing (inadvertently or not) a very large number of tickets or RSVPs in a single purchase.That could lead to severe performance issues, not to mention awkward situation with customers. We are preventing this by protecting the classic editor tickets meta box code from making direct calls to WooCommerce methods without prior validation.
  • Tweak – In the same vein as the last item, we now impose a limit of 100 tickets per purchase for tickets created with WooCommerce, which is in line with the changes to the following filter: tribe_tickets_get_ticket_max_purchase. Check out this snippet, which allows you to define a custom limit.
  • Tweak – We also improved Promoter support for Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce by extending the range of actions where Promoter is notified of changes.
  • Plugin Hookshttps://docs.theeventscalendar.com/reference/since/event-tickets-plus4.11.4/
  • Language0 new strings added, 23 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
  • Stability Huzzah! We don’t want to exterminate bugs. We’d much rather prevent bugs from happening here at all. We’ve added in a shocking amount of automated tests to keep those pesky bugs away. After lots of counting, we added 246 new tests (525 total tests) and 1025 new assertions (1978 total assertions).