
Search Extensions

Add Google Maps Display and Link Options to Community Events

Our Community Events add-on for The Events Calendar allows your front-end site visitors to create new Events, Organizers, and Venues.

The Community Events form received a significant redesign as of version 4.5 in June 2017.

One of the things that changed was the removal of the “Show Google Maps” and “Show Google Maps Link” checkboxes when creating a new Venue.

Installing and activating this extension re-adds these 2 checkboxes. There are no extra settings or steps needed after activating it. Here’s a preview of the new Community Events form with this extension active.

Note that these 2 checkboxes refer to the Event’s Google Map and Google Map Link settings, not the Venue’s.

This functionality is the same as the pre-4.5 version of Community Events but is worth clarifying for new users.

If you would instead like to force these boxes to be checked/unchecked instead of giving your users the control via these checkbox options, you might be interested in this code snippet:

 * Causes calendar to always show Google Map and Link, regardless of individual Event's or Venue's settings
 * @link https://gist.github.com/cliffordp/d420a5f952ef3b91e6db2b4104b6f28b
 * @see Tribe__Events__Main::tribe_embed_google_map()
 * @see Tribe__Events__Main::tribe_show_google_map_link()
add_filter( 'tribe_embed_google_map', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'tribe_show_google_map_link', '__return_true' );


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👋 Heads up! We provide limited support for extensions, but you can still open a ticket over at our Help Desk to report any issues.
Install Instructions