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  • in reply to: Possible bug #61830

    Hi, Fernando. Thanks so much for pointing this out. You’re absolutely right that it is a bug. It’s in the queue to be fixed and should be resolved in an upcoming maintenance release.

    We really appreciate you being a The Events Calendar user!

    in reply to: Event with Facebook Tab #61828

    Hi, Grégoire. Thanks for getting in touch about your question.

    Unfortunately, we don’t currently have built-in solution for pushing events to Facebook. Other users have expressed interested in this functionality, though, so if you wouldn’t mind taking a minute to check out our User Voice forum, we’d appreciate you joining the conversation there. We definitely prioritize new features based on user feedback in that forum.

    I know it’s not ideal, but you might be interested to know that some of our users have worked around this by using our Eventbrite Tickets add-on, and pushing events to Facebook from the Eventbrite interface.

    in reply to: Import/Export to Calendar #61785

    Hi, Kevin. We’ve definitely heard a lot of requests for import/export functionality, but unfortunately, neither is fully implemented in the product as it now stands.

    Importing (via CSV) is in the works for the 3.0 version, but we don’t have a release date for it yet. If you’re interested in being part of our beta testing program for this feature, please email pro /a/, and we’ll get you set up.

    The PRO functionality does include limited ability to export to iCal and Google Calendar. Is that something that could be useful for you?

    Also, please feel free to swing by our User Voice section, and add that as a suggestion. We prioritize feature requests based on the feedback they get in that forum.

    Thanks for using The Events Calendar!

    in reply to: Google Maps not working #61776

    Hi, Charles. Thanks for getting in touch with us about your issue.

    Have you had a chance to test on the Twenty Twelve theme with other plugins disabled? On our test bed, a map will show up for the post code you have as your test venue (WC1E 7HU), so I’m thinking it may be an integration problem between TEC and your theme.

    Let me know what happens when you try it out, and we’ll take it from there.

    in reply to: User sign-up and community events, what do I need to buy #61772

    Hi, Jan. Thanks for getting in touch about the features you’re looking for.

    You’re spot on about the Community Events add-on enabling users to create events. You can use that add-on with the free version of The Events Calendar.

    Unfortunately, at this time we do not offer a built-in solution that allows users to RSVP to events. It’s not ideal, but many of our users have found success using Eventbrite or WooCommerce Tickets add-ons for that functionality. We’d be happy to help you get that configured if you’d like to go that route.

    Please let us know if there are any other questions we can answer for you.

    in reply to: Change "Organizer" name to "Speaker" #61669

    Fantastic to hear this did the trick, John! We really appreciate you using the plugin and your ongoing support. If we can do anything else, please just let us know.

    in reply to: Left Justification of Single Event View #61515

    No problem, thindes57. We’ll do our best to get things sorted out so it’s working the way you like.

    Thanks for the update!

    in reply to: WooTickets #61511

    Hi, Alex. Thanks for getting in touch with us about this.

    It sounds like what you’re looking for is some way for your volunteers to RSVP to your events. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have an RSVP solution built-in to Events Calendar PRO.

    In this situation, many of our users set up free tickets using the WooCommerce Tickets plugin and then have their volunteers claim them. We understand that that’s not ideal, but do you think that would do the trick for you?

    Let us know if you have any further questions before you buy the add-on. If you have already purchased it, please feel free to post in our premium support forums for a faster response time.

    in reply to: WooTickets & Tickets WooCommerece #61508

    Hi, Anthony. I apologize for the confusion here. We recently changed the name of the WooCommerce add-on, so I think that’s why it’s not clear.

    Basically, if you have the latest versions of the WooCommerce and The Events Calendar plugins installed (which can both be downloaded for free at the repo), all you need to buy is the WooCommerce Tickets add-on:

    Let me know if you’d like any further clarification.

    in reply to: I want "Events" to be called "Performances" on my site #61506

    Hi, Brian. We’re happy to help you out with this.

    This code might resolve your issue:

    Let me know if this works for you. It should cover all the info you need to change the heading plugin wide.

    in reply to: Community Events Export Options? #61504

    Hi, Rick. Thanks for getting in touch with us about your client’s question. We’re happy to help.

    Unfortunately, at this time there are no built-in, multi-event export options with The Events Calendar. If you’d like to suggest this as feature, please feel free to post it in our User Voice forum:

    Please let us know if there are any other questions we can answer to help you in identifying if The Events Calendar is the right solution for your client.


    Hi, Susan. Thanks for getting in touch about your issue.

    First, let me say that I’m sorry you’re having trouble with the event calendar free version. The behavior you’re seeing is definitely unusual.

    We absolutely understand that you want to be sure we will help you get your installation working before you spend your money. Premium support is included with the PRO subscription. We’re very happy to work with you to get to the bottom of your issue. If for some reason, we can’t resolve it, we will issue a full refund.

    As far as troubleshooting your specific issue, this might be a theme or plugin conflict. Have you already tested on a clean installation of The Events Calendar, with no other plugins and with the default Twenty Twelve theme in place? If so, was the behavior any different? That would be the first step we would recommend in working with you towards a resolution.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions before you upgrade.

    in reply to: Apply unique sidebar to calendar template #61495

    Hi, Aimee. Happy to help you out best I can on these!

    1: For the Genesis Simple Sidebars issue, events are a custom post type with the naming convention “tribe-events”. Please let me know if I’ve misunderstood what you’re asking for here. Hopefully, that points you in the right direction. If not, let me know and we can work on figuring it out together.

    2: We’ve definitely heard requests from users for a Filtering/Search add-on, and I’m happy to report that it’s currently in the works. If you’d be interested in joining our team of beta-testers, please shoot us an email at pro /a/, and we’ll add you to the list to contact when we get to the point of testing.

    3. As far as disabling Breadcrumbs is concerned, other users have reported success with deactivating them in the Genesis options. Please let me know if this works for you, too:

    Hope that helps. In the future, we’d appreciate it if you could create individual threads for each. 🙂 Thanks!

    in reply to: Change "Organizer" name to "Speaker" #61456

    Hi, John. Please take a look at this thread to see if it helps you sort out your issue:

    If not, we’d be happy to take a look at what you’ve got and do our best to get to the bottom of this with you.

    in reply to: Day links active in calendar view when Day view is diabled #61437

    Hi, Kevin. I apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, this is a known issue that was reported at the end of last month:

    As Rob mentioned in that thread, we are aiming to address in time for our next maintenance release.

    Please let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with in the meantime.

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