Welcome to the Modern Tribe premium plugin support forums! If you’ve landed on this page, it means you’ve got a question that wasn’t answered in the documentation or anywhere else here on the theeventscalendar.com website. Don’t worry…we’re here to help.

A couple things to keep in mind:

  • Search first. Chances are, your question has already been asked & answered. Run a search (using the field in the right-hand sidebar on this page) to check before posting a new thread.
  • Be specific. The more information you provide upfront when posting your thread, the easier it’ll be for our community team to help you out. For bugs, provide specific step-by-step instructions of how you exposed them; for customizations/tweaks, be obvious about what exactly you are ultimately trying to achieve. Please also make sure to always provide a link to your site, an example screenshot and the name of your theme/conflicting plugins where appropriate.
  • Bugs vs customizations. Most legitimate bugs that are reported will be logged and fixed for the next release; if a workaround can be easily provided, we’ll share one in the interim. When it comes to customization, while we’re happy to help point users in the right direction towards accomplishing a desired customization, we won’t build your site for you.
  • Create separate threads for separate issues. It’s going to take us exponentially longer to address five issues in the same ticket, than it would to address five separate tickets highlighting different issues. Please make sure you’re always creating a separate thread for each distinct issue you’re facing, to ensure you get replies in as timely a fashion as possible. Failure to do so runs the risk of delaying our support team’s replies.
  • Set your expectations. Please understand that we get a lot of traffic on the support forums, and that we respond to each thread in as timely a fashion as possible. That being said we generally require 24-48 hours (during the workweek) to hit new threads. The forums are not monitored on weekends. Please be patient when posting and know we’ll get to your issue as quickly as we possibly can.
  • Show respect. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. If you are rude or disrespectful to our support team or other customers, don’t be surprised when we insist on refunding you and booting you from the forums. We won’t tolerate disrespectful behavior – period.

To start a new discussion, click into the appropriate forum in the right hand sidebar. Click “New Discussion” to post your question.

Remember that the forum can be read by anyone, but you need an active license for PRO or another supported add-on to post. If you’re a free user of The Events Calendar please visit our support forum on WordPress.org. The free forum is checked weekly.

Please also note that Modern Tribe’s support team cannot log into the dashboard of customer WordPress sites. We ask that users follow our troubleshooting steps and work with our team to solve their issues in as timely a fashion as possible. Posting admin credentials directly into the forum is strongly advised against due to the security risks associated.