All of our products are sold as a yearly subscription. As long as your subscription remains active, you will have access to plugin downloads, new feature releases, security updates, bug fixes, and premium support.

For your convenience, subscriptions are automatically renewed on their expiration date to ensure you always have access to the latest product features and updates.

Subscription Levels

Multiple subscription levels are available for each product we sell. Each subscription includes a license key that enables premium access for each site you add to your plan, up to the maximum number of sites included in your subscription level.

You may upgrade your subscription level at any time from your License Keys page.

Premium Plugins Event Aggregator
Personal 1 site Personal 100 scheduled imports per day
Business 3 sites Community 200 scheduled imports per day
Agency 10 sites Event Hub 1000 scheduled imports per day
Unlimited Unlimited

Multisite subscriptions are also available for our premium plugins.

Viewing Your Order History

You can view your order history under My Account > Recent Orders.

Upgrading Your Subscription

Active subscriptions can be upgraded at any time. From the My Account > License Keys page, simply click the upgrade link located next to the license key you wish to upgrade. If you need help upgrading, let us know by posting to our help desk.

Getting Help with Your Subscription

If you’re having trouble using the license key included with your subscription, we’ve got several resources available to help you out.

  • Technical Docs – Technical documentation, including actions, filters and functions.
  • Knowledgebase – Articles, tutorials and guides for using the products.
  • Help Desk – Submit a support request and find answers to commonly asked questions. Premium support is included with your subscription.

Updating Payment Information

You can add new payment methods or update stored payment information under My Account > Cards on File.

Changes to Automatic Renewal

Automatic renewal may be turned off at any time from the License Keys section of your My Account page.

Turning off automatic renewals does not cancel your license. Your subscription will remain active through the remainder of your billing period; however, once your billing period ends, your license key will expire and you will no longer have access to plugin updates, new feature releases, security updates, bug fixes, or premium support.

Reactivating a Subscription

If you change your mind and wish to reactivate your subscription, you may do so at any time by enabling autorenewals on your My Account > License Keys page. Subscriptions that are reactivated prior to expiration will automatically renew at the end of the current billing cycle. Subscriptions that are reactivated after they have expired will be billed when reactivation is requested.