Wallet Plus


Maintenance Release

The latest version of Wallet Plus solves an issue with the QR security code, which could lead to the inability to scan Apple Wallet passes*.

As always, we recommend testing updates on a staging site first, but it should all be smooth sailing.

*Important Note: Old Apple Wallet pass QR codes won’t work with the ET+ APP, please encourage event attendees to re-download the Apple Wallet pass and update it.

✅ Fixed

Bugs that were squashed in this release:

  • Resolved an Apple Wallet problem with the missing security code on the generated QR code.
    • Important Note: Old Apple Wallet pass QR codes won’t work with the ET+ APP; please encourage event attendees to re-download the Apple Wallet pass and update it.

🗣 Translations

Updated language files and strings:

  • 0 new strings added
  • 0 updated
  • 0 fuzzied
  • 0 obsoleted