Release: The Events Calendar PRO 3.12.3

Hey folks! The Events Calendar PRO 3.12.3 is fresh off the grill and ready for your site. Bon appetite!

The last version had a few bugs that we weren’t happy living with, so we’ve squashed them and now have a much better taste in mouths as we continue to bake The Events Calendar 4.0.

Here’s what we fixed in The Events Calendar PRO 3.12.3:

  • Fixed a bug to ensure date exclusion was being respected when creating recurring events (thanks to laughmasters, Nadia, Andreas and Jeff for noting this in the forums)
  • Fixed a bug that made the event list and mini calendar widget show wrong date in Date Box due to time() function (thank you Seth in the support forums for this one)
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in custom recurring events showing wrong times and have PHP notices (Sitecrafting – thank you for the report on this one)
  • Fixed an issue with 24-hour format for WordPress which was resulting in bugs related to Meridian.
  • Simplified information related to recurring events in tooltip (Thanks to David and mmccoycchs for highlighting this)
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when a recurring events created before 3.12 resulted in the primary event not displaying as recurring

As always, we wish you happy updating! Please do be sure to update safely and create backups of your files and databases as you would do for any other update. We expect smooth sailing if you are already using The Events Calendar PRO 3.12 or greater. If you’re running something lower than 3.12, please do see what changed in that release prior to updating and update in a test environment if you can, as there were significant changes.