Events Calendar PRO Feature Requests

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    Thanks, all!

    Lynne: the quick edit is unfortunately just a function of WordPress; that’s how they treat posts and since events are just a custom post type, it carries over there too.

    Robert: both of your suggestions are on the eventual roadmap. I suspect the latter will come first, though a few users have hacked together the former (as can be seen in the “Showcase” thread).

    Chris: we do have frontend organizer view on the radar as well. Not sure if it’ll be in the initial 2.1 push but should be sometime in that release’s lifecycle. If you do build a frontend way that other users could tap in to, I’m sure they’d appreciate you sharing anything you can in the forums 🙂


    Thanks Rob ! I think I’ll begin with a php function based on “tribe_get_events” . That will help me build a filter in my events view. Depending on the time that I have, I’ll try a complete organizer view, and of course share it in the forums !


    Thanks Chris, most appreciated. If any other ideas come to mind, we’d love to hear those too. Cheers man.

    Thomas M.

    Two requests:

    1. Import/sync calendar feeds to ECP (really important); when I upgraded to PRO I was surprised, and disappointed this feature was not available

    2. Import or convert events from other plugins such as AI1EC


    Hey Thomas. Thanks for the note. On these:

    #1. We have a CSV based importer at this point; other methods may come down the road but haven’t really been planned in any concrete fashion. That being said there has been quite a bit of demand for this since we launched 2.0 so if it’s technically possible, we’ll certainly be looking into it once 2.1 is out.

    #2. Good suggestion. Once we get beyond the CSV importer and are satisfied with it, we’re going to be moving into the realm of importing from other calendars/tools as well.

    Thanks again! Let me know if you have any other ideas or questions here.


    Would love to see the reoccuring events calendar preview as described by Christina… any news?


    Wanted to place another vote for “1st Friday of every month” “Second tuesday” etc.


    I have to also vote for Google Calendar import. I have several clients who currently use Google calendar, and while they have a very positive reaction to all the wonderful features of TEC, the fact that they have to recreate a year’s worth of events instead of being able to import them represents a huge work load on their part.


    Feature request— Based the needs of our clients we would like to see ‘Next Month’ and ‘Previous Month’ links added to the mini cal. I’ve used ECP for two client projects with another one coming up, and every one of those clients has felt it important to be able to navigate the sidebar’s mini cal.


    1. I see that this has been suggested before, but +1 that it would be nice not to have to enter an end time or to have an “until” option.
    2. For recurring events – it would be great to have an “until changed” setting for the number of recurrences. Most of the recurring events I have will go on for the foreseeable future, so I have to just throw something in there like “50” monthly recurrences. (in about 4 years I’m going to wonder why all my recurring events have suddenly disappeared)
    3. It would be nice to set the default events display so from earlier to later start date (I’m referring to the admin->events->events screen).
    4. on the settings page, it would be nice to set defaults for ALL fields. I know, for example, that I want maps included *every* time, and I almost NEVER have a morning event, but I do forget to change that AM dropdown half the time.



    Thanks guys. Just a heads up that we’re close to narrowing down the 2.1 feature list, and once that has been confirmed I’ll definitely post for all to see. (While it may still change a bit from there, you’ll at least be able to get the general gist of what’ll be where). All the ideas above are solid and feel free to keep adding them along the way.


    Is this on there? A simple pull-down menu to filter event categories. My client has a ton of events on the calendar, each appealing to different demographics. Calendar is very full, very busy. A simple pull-down menu to filter and show events in only one category; or a check box to show events only in selected categories…most helpful / useful / necessary. If it already exists, oops, sorry. 🙂


    +1 on Google calendar import.
    Just showed a client the plugin and ‘no joke’ that was the first question out of his mouth.

    If you think about it from an organizational standpoint it makes sense.
    They have dozens of employee groups which all save data to the corporate calendar. Having to manually add all of these to the events calendar by hand is a no starter from the beginning. Even I wouldn’t want to go through that nightmare.

    I have one company where I am setting up wpmu, where each department has it’s own ‘blog/site’. By adding a copy of ECP to each site, it would be awesome to then push the calendar from ECP to google calendar. This would allow a ‘master’ corporate google calendar like they have now, fully upated where each site on the wpmu network has it’s own sub-group with google calendar.

    Of course I’m sure you’ve heard this all before… Just wanted to put my vote in before the feature freeze.



    I know others have requested these. So, as a way to give them a vote to be enabled in future versions, I would very much like to have an event link directly to a static wp page.

    Also, a widget that shows all of the events for “today”.

    And finally, a way to separate DATE from TIME of an event. The START and END is good for time for me, but not for day. Most of my events are one day only. So there becomes too much information.

    Thanks and great plugin!


    John/Shawn: excellent. Thank you both. While we’ve frozen the 2.0.5 feature list (it’s mostly bug fixes), we’re still planning 2.1/2.2 and this is all great to have as we do so. Lots coming up in the next few weeks both related to this plugin and it’s add-ons that we’re really excited for, and your contributions/suggestions along the way are largely to thank for that. Cheers!

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