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  • in reply to: Saved Venue Dropdown in alphabetical order? #13374

    OK, I got it. It was a plugin conflict… “Post Types Order”. In the settings for that plugin, if you have “admin sort” checked off it affects the list of the venues.

    in reply to: Saved Venue Dropdown in alphabetical order? #13373

    Hi Rob,

    No, I’m running 3.3.1. Any idea what would cause this… plugin conflict?


    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13303

    And, I have it in my functions.php file for my theme. Sorry, I was having difficulty locating it.

    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13302
    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13299

    To be honest, I can’t find that function anywhere in my code. I thought that I got that from you in a post on this forum in regards to looking up categories. The categories are all in taxonomies and I swear that all I did was try the code that you had shown someone else here.

    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13295

    It’s essentially “if (pa_in_taxonomy(‘tribe_events_cat’, ‘Vacation’))”.

    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13293

    Do you mean this: ?

    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13256

    Sorry, it’s not letting me put the code in. Here it is on pastebin:

    in reply to: How to exclude categories from the advanced list widget? #13255

    Here is the if/else statement that I tried using (without the “php” tags so it will display here):

    in reply to: Events Calendar PRO Feature Requests #12776

    If we had access to the register info of the “venue” taxonomy we could just add into an array:

    array( ‘reviews’,’news’ ),
    array( ‘hierarchical’ => false,
    ‘label’ => __(‘Actors’, ‘series’),
    ‘query_var’ => ‘actor’,
    ‘rewrite’ => array( ‘slug’ => ‘actors’ )

    But, obviously it’s a little more complicated as that with how you have the plugin set up… we would need to override your settings (which is probably a dangerous thing to make available to most people because it could render the events plugin useless if someone’s settings were incorrect) OR you’d have to build that array into the admin area settings for the plugin… like having a text input field for us to add in our own custom post type names. Then the events calendar code would then pull in the data from that field into the array.

    in reply to: Events Calendar PRO Feature Requests #12742

    I second the “holidays” feature request. In order for the band site I’m working on to have days on the calendar listed as “vacation” I had to create a category called “vacation” and then code an if/else statement into the calendar grid to be like “if in vacation category display the non-linkable word ‘vacation'” else show the normal listing info with venue, city, state, etc. info. Also, I had to do something similar for “Private Party” entries. It would be nice if you could choose what information to show/hide based on the type of event (maybe on a category by category basis). The band I did the site for wanted private party entries to show as the words “Private Party, City, State” and NOT have a link to a single entry page for the event. I had to hard code all of that with if/else statements.

    in reply to: Events Calendar PRO Feature Requests #12697

    Hi Rob, is there a way to share the “venue” taxonomy with other custom post types already in use on a site? For example, I created a “photo galleries” custom post type and would love to be able to use the “venues” taxonomy so that I could have a relationship between the two kinds of posts. That way, I can have a loop of relevant photo galleries associated with the venue on each venue page.

    in reply to: "has_archive" on the custom post type tribe_events #12692

    I also think the “has_archive” will be useful. The site I’m working on has the “venue” in the breadcrumb trail (ie. home > venue > specific-venue-name ) and if I click on “venue” in the breadcrumb trail I get a page not found error. If we had the “has_archive” setting in the custom post type registration settings I could create a simple archive page that would show a list of the venues. Any idea when 2.1 is set to release?


    Ok, so what I’m finding is that you guys really did a great job with the code of this plugin, lol. I was able to override the css styles of that “dig-in” class to give it a clickable background image (getting rid of the view all events text with a simple “text-indent:-9999em;” declaration. Then I simply set the “dig-in” class as absolute positioning to get my new image link to display at the top of the widget.

    The only negative so far with this plugin is the inability to easily call custom fields created in the plugin. The “_ecp_custom_1″ thing is a bit odd. Here is how I’m pulling in an example of a custom field:

    if(get_post_meta($post->ID, $room, true)):
    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $room, true);

    Other than that, this is a really nice plugin and easily customizable.


    I looked in that file but it didn’t look like it had all of the elements for the widget. Could it also be in “widget-list.class.php” in the regular plugin? Does the pro version pull from BOTH of the files? Also, is this another case where I make my modifications and then place the new files in the “events” folder in my theme? Or will that not work the same way as the other templates? For example, the “View all events” link, with the class of “dig-in” seems to only be in the regular “widget-list.class.php” file. I’d rather not make changes to core files so if this is not a case in which I can override the file by placing it in the “events” folder in my theme I’ll figure out another solution.

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