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    Hi Kylie. Sorry to hear you’ve been having problems. The first thing I’d suggest: go into the Settings –> Permalinks page, and just save your permalinks. No need to make any changes – just save. After that, refresh the frontend of the site, try your link again, and the event should be functional.

    If not…does the issue persist when you deactivate the Wishlist Manager or any other plugins? If it doesn’t that means its a conflict with one of those & The Events Calendar.

    in reply to: Error with Custom Reoccuring Events #9902

    Tim, PHP warnings aren’t something to be concerned with at this time – they’re more an alert than anything. Let me know if you’re unfamiliar with how to turn them off.

    in reply to: Integrating posts and events #9901

    Hi Kevin. Thanks for the note here. Interestingly enough, what you’re aiming to do here was how the free open source Events Calendar worked up until the 2.0 release…events were just regular posts that you categorized as “Events,” then added the custom event details accordingly. In 2.0 we switched events to a custom post type.

    While what you’re aiming to do isn’t available right out of the box, we’ve had a number of requests from open source users who want to integrate their events with posts. I’ve got our dev taking a look now at what code we’ll need to use to make that happen, and will share that with you just as soon as I have it. Should be no later than the end of the week.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!

    in reply to: Integration with Gravity Forms? #9839

    Thanks for confirming, Christina. John is going to take another look at this and should be in touch here shortly.

    in reply to: Newb Questions/Problems #9838

    Hi Cindy! Happy to help here. I’ll answer each of these below, as best I can.

    #1. Adding/removing events or menu items shouldn’t change the title of the calendar itself. You haven’t added anything to the before/after HTML fields on the settings page, have you? If not, any chance I could get a screenshot or a link to where I can see this on my end?
    #2. You could do this, but it’d require a template override (the process of which is detailed in the FAQ on this site or the readme.txt file). It’s a somewhat tricky process for a non-dev so you may want to get someone with development expertise to assist there…
    #3. This could also be done but would require a template override.
    #4. Unfortunately, we need to keep this enabled in order for the events to have full impact from an SEO standpoint. We were able to disable the “Updated” in the widgets, but for regular event listings it unfortunately has to remain.
    #5. This is hardcoded in for any recurring events; the only way to remove it would be to create a recurring series, then make modifications to each item in that series and when prompted, make sure you’re only updating this event (instead of all future events) so it breaks it out of the recurrence accordingly. Of course, upon doing so, that event will be standalone and no longer recurring.
    #6. This should always show the next event and previous event, as you noted. However I haven’t received any reports of it either not appearing or showing the wrong links. Any examples you can provide? As an aside, these too could likely be disabled doing a template override.

    Hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

    in reply to: Problem with events showing up #9836

    Hi Debbie. Happy to help on this. Is it possible that the permalink got changed manually somehow? Even when I type in the correct permalink you noted, I still get a dead page.

    Would be interested to see what happens if you log into the backend; go to the permalinks page; save that page (without making any changes); then try to view the event again. Often these types of issues can be resolved by taking that route. Let me know if that doesn’t work.


    Hi Stephen. Thanks for the note here and my apologies to hear of your errors. What were the recurrence settings you’d configured to get that event appearing every day? I’m unable to recreate but may not be following the same steps as you.

    The issue with the calendar showing the wrong month in the header isn’t one I’m able to recreate either. That same thing happen to you in both PRO & core? Would you be willing to see if it’s a conflict with your theme or another plugin by deactivating one-by-one, etc?

    in reply to: Integration with WP templates #9834

    Oh, and if that doesn’t work, you can make a custom template and change the display to ECP Default Template
    which will take over the whole page instead of the the_content().

    in reply to: Events list vs calendar #9833

    Hi Juzz. The list view should show all upcoming events (or more accurately, the current page of list view will show however many X events you’ve set to display in your loops under Settings –> Reading). Is that above 1?

    Let me know. If you could link us to your site where we could take a look at the issue directly, it’d be awesome.

    in reply to: Integration with WP templates #9832

    Hi Mike. Thanks for the note. I spoke with our developer on this today, and it looks like yes, it is indeed based on presence of the_content(). It also overrides the_title().

    That help? Let me know if not.

    in reply to: Event calendar 2.0 not available but 1.6.5 on WP #9636

    Hi folks. This is a known issue with the open source repo that we’re currently working to get resolved ASAP. I’ve been sending everyone who has ordered the plugin an email directly, with the Events Calendar 2.0 code attached. Both of you were among those I sent to, so please let me know if you haven’t received that by now.

    You can also just download 2.0 straight from the repo here:

    in reply to: Activation #9635

    Hi David, thanks for the note. You should be fine with the registration key on changing over…if you visit Account Central –> License Keys on this site, then remove the key from the test site / re-add it on the backend of the new site when you make the switch, you should be all set.

    Let me know if you have any questions or problems with this. Thanks!

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