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  • in reply to: Venue Map not corresponding to Settings page #11400

    Hi Sandy,

    What you’ll need to do is override the single-venue.php template file found in plugins/events-calendar-pro/views. Put that into the ‘events’ folder within your own theme. Then, just change line 16, where is displays:

    echo tribe_get_embedded_map(get_the_ID(), '350px', '200px')


    echo tribe_get_embedded_map(get_the_ID(), '540px', '200px')

    Or whatever the width and height respectively need to be in your template.


    in reply to: Calendar Templates / Grid View Header & Footer #11399

    Hi Rob,

    You can use:

    if(tribe_is_month()) {
    //do something

    Which will return true in grid view.

    I hope that helps,

    in reply to: SIngle Event Page Issue #11292

    Hi David,

    That code works fine for me. All the events take me to my single events page. You’ve likely got some conflict with your theme or another plugin. I suggest first reverting back to the twenty-eleven theme and see if that works (then you know it’s something with your theme) and/or start disabling plugins to see what plugin may be conflicting.

    Can you try that please?


    in reply to: SIngle Event Page Issue #11288

    Hi David,

    That’s strange. I just did the same thing and it works fine for me. Have you tried visiting Settings > Permalinks to rebuild them? You can just visit the page and they will be rebuilt automatically without giving you any notification. That may help because it looks like there’s something going on with the permalinks…

    By the way it looks like some of your event links in the list have a date appended to them… Is there anything in the template files you changed that could be adding this?

    It’s hard to say whats going without actually looking at your code but try the permalinks first and if that doesn’t work we’ll go from there.


    in reply to: Calendar Templates / Grid View Header & Footer #11286

    Hi Rob,

    The Events Calendar runs within page.php and single.php so the header and footer are called like they are throughout your entire site.

    You’ll want to find where get_header() and get_footer() are called in your template (these are what loads the header and footer) and and use some conditional code to check for your events page, for ex.:

    if(is_page('my-events-page-slug')) {
    //don't show the header/footer
    } else {
    //show the header/footer

    or for single events:

    if('tribe_events' == get_post_type()) && is_single()) {
    //don't show the header/footer
    } else {
    //show the header/footer

    It’s a bit more complicated than this though because get_header() calls header.php which contains a bunch of stuff you’ll actually want to still use… Same with get_footer() which calls footer.php.

    You could also hide elements on certain pages with CSS depending on whether or not you have classes added to your body tag for different pages but we do not add those by default so you would have to figure out how to add them for your theme.

    Hopefully that helps.


    in reply to: Map and goggle link does not appear in event #11284

    Hi Bill,

    There are a few ways you can re-arrange where your map appears on single events. It’s going to be a combination of modifying the template files and possibly a little CSS to get things just right.

    First, create an ‘events’ folder within your theme. This will allow you to override any of the Events Calendar template views as well as the default events.css stylesheet.

    Next, go to plugins/the-events-calendar/views and you’ll see all the template views available for the plugin (there’s also more for Pro in Pro’s plugin folder). To override the single event view, take plugins/the-events-calendar/views/single.php and duplicate the file in your ‘events’ folder you created in your theme. You can copy/paste or duplicate the file and move it, however you prefer.

    Then open up single.php and look for:

    if( tribe_embed_google_map( get_the_ID() ) ) :
    if( tribe_address_exists( get_the_ID() ) ) { echo tribe_get_embedded_map(); }

    That’s the call for the map. You can take that whole chunk and move it wherever you like. You could also wrap it in an extra div if you wanted, i.e.:

    if( tribe_embed_google_map( get_the_ID() ) ) :
    if( tribe_address_exists( get_the_ID() ) ) { echo tribe_get_embedded_map(); }

    And then style it via:

    #my-map-div {
    float: left;
    width: 300px;

    …for example.

    However, you don’t need to add your own div, I’m just trying to highlight different solutions. The map is already wrapped in it’s own div ‘googlemaps’. So you can target it with:

    #googlemaps {
    float: left;
    width: 300px;

    You can also override the default events.css stylesheet to modify existing styles and/or add your own (you can also add styles to your own stylesheet). Just place a copy of events.css in your ‘events’ folder and the plugin will use that version instead…

    As for the specific CSS, you’ll need to have a bit of knowledge to know how to get things in just the right position but this should give you a good start.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.


    in reply to: Search by city #11236

    Hi Cary,

    There is no easy way to do this and it would take a good amount of our time to come up with some solution. I think this is important going forward though and will put it on the list of future enhancements and/or tutorials. For now you’ll have to get someone to do the custom dev for you.


    in reply to: All Events Category List #11234

    Hi Scott, as a follow up to #2 here’s a tutorial:


    – Jonah

    in reply to: All Events Category List #11228

    Hi Scott,

    On #1, this is fairly difficult to do and I’m not sure of the best way to do it and will need to discuss with the other devs to figure out a possible solution/feature update. It may or may not happen…

    On #2, this is a bit more complicated and requires a fair amount more instruction… I’m going to write up another tutorial that relates to this but also gives some more insight into fully overriding what’s in the widgets. Keep an eye out on the blog for this.


    in reply to: Event Category specific sidebars #11225

    Hi Jamie,

    The Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro uses taxonomies for categories so that’s why you’re not getting anywhere with is_category() or in_category(). Try using taxonomy_exists() instead and the taxonomy you’re looking for is ‘tribe_events_cat’. You can also use term_exists() to check for particular terms (categories) in the taxonomy. So for example if you have a category titled “presentations” you would use:

    if(term_exists('presentations', 'tribe_events_cat')) {
    //do this

    Here is more documentation on term_exists() ( and taxonomy_exists() (

    Hopefully that helps but let us know if you have any other questions with this.


    in reply to: Styling issues with a Responsive Theme #11223

    Hi Robert,

    You’ll likely need to adjust a lot of the styles and it’s impossible to say specifically which ones. You’ll need to play around a bit adjusting various styles and testing them out in various resolutions. You could go off of the events.css stylesheet for some examples of what to restyle or you could create your own rules as needed.

    Using Firebug or Chrome/Safari Webkit Inspector will make this job much easier as they allow you to inspect elements on a page and modify values live on the page. I would recommend playing around a bit with that and finding some styles that you’ll need to change and then copying those back into your stylesheet.

    Your theme must have a media queries stylesheet where specific styles for different devices and resolutions are placed. You’ll want to figure out what to change for the Events Calendar and place styles in those media queries for the appropriate resolution.

    I hope that helps.


    in reply to: Events Calendar Pro Widget – Popup Issues #11222

    Hi Pedro,

    What I can see is that there are a bunch of script errors on the page ( and this is likely a conflict with one of the scripts loaded. I would suggest unloading each script one by one until there are no errors and Events Calendar Pro is working fine again and tyr to pinpoint which plugin or script is conflicting and go from there.

    If you can get us this information we may be able to figure out a fix for it but there’s no easy way for us to tell what the issue is without you pinpointing the conflicting script or plugin.


    in reply to: "has_archive" on the custom post type tribe_events #11195

    Hi Julien,

    I see it now. Good point. We’ll discuss the implications of this and consider it for future addition.


    in reply to: Homepage customization / including upcoming and past events #11193

    Glad you’ve got it working Adam!



    Hi Sandy,

    So you want any Venues created in WordPress to show in Caspio so you can select them and link to them? That’s going to be pretty complex and would likely need to be coded within Caspio to tap into the WordPress database and pull those records in and then create a drop down to be able to select which ones you want to link to…


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