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    No problem Scott. Jonah, can you chime in?


    Hi Scott,

    On #1, this is fairly difficult to do and I’m not sure of the best way to do it and will need to discuss with the other devs to figure out a possible solution/feature update. It may or may not happen…

    On #2, this is a bit more complicated and requires a fair amount more instruction… I’m going to write up another tutorial that relates to this but also gives some more insight into fully overriding what’s in the widgets. Keep an eye out on the blog for this.



    Hi Scott, as a follow up to #2 here’s a tutorial:


    – Jonah


    You guys are the greatest! Sorry for the late response to this, work got in the way. That widget thing rocks, and works pretty darn well, although for some reason I can’t get it to call the image, but for the time being I have found a workaround and will dig into the code more when I get some time.

    I was wondering if there was any update on item #1? And also, I was wondering if you have noticed how when you view the rss feed of a recurring event, it shows the event as being on the first event day? In other words, I have a recurring event called “Teen Gaming”, and for the RSS feed, it shows every upcoming event as “11/29/2011”, even though it is supposed to be every 2 weeks.

    Let me know, and thanks again! You guys rock!


    Scott, we’ve got the issue for #1 logged and are looking into it for 2.1 (which we’re planning now for a mid-to-late January release).

    Can you share with us the RSS feed where you’re seeing this happen, so we can identify whether it’s a bug or not (and if so get logged for a future release)? Thanks in advance!


    Sure thing Rob:

    I think I might have misrepresented the problem: is there a way for us to have the date of the event show up on that feed instead of the day published?


    Ah, thanks for confirming – upon your clarification I recognize this issue. We’ve got it logged and are looking into it for 2.1, so hopefully (assuming our digging goes well) we’ll have a fix deployed therein. Apologies for the inconvenience in the interim – you may be able to find a third party plugin that can hack this together until we’re able to get our official fix out there, though.


    Thanks for all your help, I will be looking around for a quick fix, and will check back every so often.

    It’s a great plugin, and you guys have been an immense help!


    Hey Scott. Thanks for the words. After talking with the team about this a bit more, we’re wondering what purpose you’d be using the RSS feed for…just so we can get a better feel on how to integrate something like this. Is it merely for frontend users to be able to see event data in an order other than when it was added, or are you planning on doing more with the RSS feed? If you could give some thoughts, even in general terms, it’d be awesome.


    I guess what I am trying to see is the following:

    Let’s say I am subscribing to the RSS feed through a feed reader. Is there a way that I can get the RSS feed to show the date of the event itself, and in order of when the events are.

    Mostly I am just thinking from a user’s perspective of the RSS feed: I think they would like to see events ordered from next event on, and the dates of said events. So, the frontend users being able to see event data and in chronological order is exactly what I would like.

    If it helps at all, I use Netvibes as my RSS feed collector.


    And just wondering, so we can pass it along to our client, what an ETA would be on 2.1? Thanks!


    Hey Scott: what you’re requesting on the RSS front has been brought up by a few users so far. I’d suspected you had the same use in mind; but wanted to make sure so we can keep a tally of who is seeking what. Thanks for confirming on that front.

    Regarding 2.1: it’ll be sometime in mid-to-late January. We actually just decided today that we’ll also be doing a 2.0.3, but it’ll be small and limited to just bug fixes.

    Hope that helps. If you need anything else or have other questions on this, let me know and I’ll do what I can to assist.


    Just to let you know, the “How to Completely Customize Widgets” tutorial broke the widgets section with the upgrade to 3.3 — the widgets page would load until it got to the “Custom Next Events” Widget, just something to note


    Thanks Scott. I’ll get Jonah to check it out and update the doc accordingly. Apologies for the inconvenience here.


    Hi Scott sorry to hear you’re having troubles with this. It’s working fine for me in 3.3. Can you try turning debugging on to see what the error is?


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