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  • Barbara

    Hi Cliff,
    Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get a notification of yours 😉

    As you might have realized, I’m not that PHP-savvy. However, I’ve noticed I can improve… So if you can bear with me a little longer, we should be able to figure this out.

    I have added the code below, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I feel like I should reference to the ‘tribe-events-calendar-pro’-text domain, but don’t know how (if that’s the issue).

    /////// change recurring %s to TerugkerendE
     * See the codex to learn more about WP text domains:
     * Example Tribe domains: 'tribe-events-calendar', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro'...
    function tribe_custom_theme_text ( $translation, $text, $domain ) {
    	// Put your custom text here in a key => value pair
    	// Example: 'Text you want to change' => 'This is what it will be changed to'
    	// The text you want to change is the key, and it is case-sensitive
    	// The text you want to change it to is the value
    	// You can freely add or remove key => values, but make sure to separate them with a comma
    	$custom_text = array(
    		'Recurring %s' => 'Terugkerede %s',
    	// If this text domain starts with "tribe-", "the-events-", or "event-" and we have replacement text
        	if( (strpos($domain, 'tribe-') === 0 || strpos($domain, 'the-events-') === 0 || strpos($domain, 'event-') === 0) && array_key_exists($translation, $custom_text) ) {
    		$translation = $custom_text[$translation];
        return $translation;
    add_filter('gettext', 'tribe_custom_theme_text', 20, 3);
    ///////// end change recurring to terugkerende
    in reply to: Hiding the actual tickets from WordPress search engine #1197692


    You are awesome! This did the trick, much appreciated! This should be an extra option in the settings tab for all users to enjoy! I can’t imagine many people wanting to have this happening to their tickets… 🙂


    in reply to: Hiding the actual tickets from WordPress search engine #1194463

    Hi Josh,
    Yeah, I used that version of the snippet. Just tried it again to be sure, but got the same results (no results… 😉




    That is actually the entire snippet I added for this translation. I presume, based on your reaction, I forgot something?


    Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for the help, yet again!

    I have added the following code, but it didn’t do anything. It’s still active in the functions.php as of now, but can’t see any change so far. Any advise?

    $custom_text = array(
            'Recurring %s' => 'Terugkerende %s',
    in reply to: Hiding the actual tickets from WordPress search engine #1191295

    Hi JOsh,

    Thanks for your help!
    I applied the code to the functions.php file, but now the WP search engine cannot find anything anymore! The event pages themselves cannot be found anymore, even searching for the most common term on the site (“triggr”) now returns zero results!

    I have disabled the snippet for now. Hopefully you’ll have a clue where this went wrong?



    This reply is private.



    Yeah, that sounds fair, I will await reply in the other thread 🙂


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    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Barbara. Reason: Broke the page by including some unclosed code

    Hi Nico,

    Pleas refer to
    This is the issue I’m pointing at, so I mean the strings between different plugin translation files!


    Hi Geoff,

    Thanks for working with me on this one. I have installed the extension, and am liking the fact that extra options exist, however the way it’s shown to the user in the ordering process on the website is not OK, it contains errors (showing non-logical information) and is far from polished-looking… But that surely will be the reason you’ve not officially published this extension yet 🙂

    The issues I see after activating “WooCommerce Emails: Add Event Information“, and in total the reason I disabled this feature ASAP:

    • Too much data is showing. This will overwhelm users and my colleagues from the foundation who have to work with this, as well. It will definitely be necessary to give us extra options in WHAT to send with the mail. It should be possible to ONLY send the custom attendee information entered during the process, and nothing more than usual!
    • Recurrence description of the event is showing. This is far from logical for recurring events! I know that these are not officially supported via event tickets, but I know many of us have found ways to work around this and do actually appreciate the current functionality of tickets for recurring events.
      For instance: We have a Chess Course of 16 chess lessons, but also offer a free chess lesson to see if it’s something for you. I’ve just ordered one of the free chess lessons, and noticed that the recurrence description (“16 lessons on Wednesday afternoon (…)”) will make no sense to the buyer, since I only bought the one free lesson.
    • The order confirmation screen after hitting “Confirm order” in the WooCommerce process, is also showing all the irrelevant data mentioned before, but also in a very stretched out way, which will surely disorient our customers, whenever buying more than one ticket (for more attendees)

    Additionally, I tried using the “Tickets Email: CC Organizer“, to see if that would work as a sort of workaround: When we approve the order in WP-admin and would get the ticket mail right after it, it would also help improve the workflow.

    However, this didn’t work since I thought that ‘Organizer’ meant the admin mailbox setup in WP-Admin. But after not receiving the CC, I realized you meant sending the CC to the Organizer of the specific event. Now, I could setup our regular admin mailbox for all organizers, but that would surely stab us in the back somewhere in the future. So, another option here would be if you added a “CC to specific mail address” or “CC to WP admin mail” option to the extension.

    Some pictures to clarify
    The WooCommerce order confirmation screen (but, the issues pointed out apply to the confirmation mails as well)
    The WooCommerce order confirmation screen

    Confirmation mail from WC
    Confirmation mail from WC

    For reference, a normal order without event meta data
    For reference, a normal order without event meta data

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Barbara.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Barbara.
    in reply to: Hiding the actual tickets from WordPress search engine #1188087

    Hi Josh,

    Yes, it’s set to ‘Hidden’ for all tickets I checked just now, and they’re still showing up in the WP standard search.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Translation Strings doubled on ET / TEC #1188032

    Hi Andras,

    If you would have continued in German, I would have to use Google Translate as well, since German is quite different compared to Dutch 😉

    Looking forward to your reply!

    in reply to: Translation Strings doubled on ET / TEC #1187831


    Great minds think alike, didn’t see your thread but posted this today:

    I am sure we will all benefit from possibly migrating to one major .PO-file for all common translations… Or, let’s think out of the box, just one major tribe common PO containing all strings for ALL plugins, removing the duplicates but also granting us translators some much appreciated relief 🙂



    Found a fitting picture I wanted to share. No worries, I hope this gets on the radar of the devs as soon as possible!

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