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  • in reply to: 500 error #888428

    Hey Justinbonnet,

    Just wanted to check in on this ticket here. It’s been a few days since it was last updated, but we did have a weekend between now and when this was last updated, so no worries.

    Let us know if you get the chance to update your .htaccess file – if you do, I hope it helps!



    in reply to: Community Events Plugin Conflict #888425

    Hey Caitlin,

    Just wanted to check in on this ticket here. It’s been a few days since it was last updated, but we did have a weekend between now and when this was last updated, so no worries. If you have any news on the things discussed here, let us know!

    Cheers πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Use Jetpack "Visibility" to show widget on main events page #888411

    Hey @wilbrimley,

    Thanks for the question, and apologies for your inconvenience so far. I’m checking this out for you and am hoping we can get you pointed in the right direction here.

    One of my main concerns is the second rule you posted here – it may not be working correctly, or at least not like you’d expect. You mention your main events page being “Calendar”, and that this was set up correctly in your Event Calendar settings – can you specify how you set this up, exactly?

    I downloaded and set up Jetpack’s Widget Visibility module myself to test out this issue, and I too am having trouble getting widgets to display alongside the main calendar view. The main Events view may require a level of specificity that the Widget Visibility module currently doesn’t support.

    Let me know about your Calendar page configuration, we can take things from there. Thanks!


    in reply to: Ticket counter not matching woocommerce sales/attendee list #888364

    Hey @musician4you,

    There’s no shame in asking for customer support!

    Hopefully we can help you out here. I’m a bit curious aboutΒ exactly what you mean when you say that “the ticket counters are not updating well” when an order is deleted. Do you mean that, for example, if you’ve sold 30 tickets at 1 order per ticket, and then delete one of the orders so you only have 29 orders, your stats still report having sold 30 tickets?

    If this is not what you mean, sorry about the confusion – elaborate on your issue and what steps you go through to recreate it, we’ll take another look at things with that info and try to get things resolved here πŸ™‚


    in reply to: geolocation & map view won't work #888354

    Hey @nopberlin,

    Thanks for the kind words about the plugin! Sorry you’re having some trouble here – however, I went to the link you provided and found a few events there with maps enabled. All the map views I was able to find worked fine for me, like on this page for example:

    If you see issues on that page, can you elaborate on exactly what they are? Does the map show up for you at all?

    Also, I’m curious: what web browser and operating system have you been using when you see issues with Google Maps? If you view your site in different browsers, do you still have the same problems?


    in reply to: Community Events Plugin Conflict #884903

    Hey Caitlin,

    Sorry you’re having trouble here. Just to be clear, when you describe changes you’ve made to functions, and swapping out $(document).ready() code for $(window).on( ‘load’ ) code, you’re talking about modifying your own JavaScript, right? Have you made any edits to any JavaScript you’ve found within Events Calendar, Events PRO, or Community Events?

    Assuming you have not edited any of the JavaScript within those plugins, there seems to be a JavaScript error on your site because of the version of jQuery you’re using. Your site is using jQuery version 2.1.1, but one of the JavaScript files within Events Calendar Pro has functions that use the .live() jQuery method, which needs older versions of jQuery to function. The latest version of jQuery you could use that would support that .live() method, and thus prevent this JavaScript error, is version 1.7.

    Have you written any custom PHP code to load jQuery version 2.1.1, maybe in your themes’s functions.php file or something? How are you loading jQuery on your site?


    in reply to: Re-occurring Events #884874

    Finally, for now, by “excerpt” do you mean the event excerpts in the main Events feed view on your site? The URL for this page is often /events/ for most users. Share a link to the page on your site whose event excerpts are missing Featured Images, we’ll take a closer look at it.

    In the meantime, would you be able to temporarily activate a default theme like Twenty Twelve or Twenty Fourteen on your site? If so, do this and see how your event excerpts behave.


    in reply to: Re-occurring Events #884857

    Hey @sammioneill,

    Regarding your second question, if you have the same event repeating day after day, you can import that event one time (with a CSV, for example, as you suggested) and then set up its recurrence to repeat every day.

    But if you have the event also repeating multiple times per day, then unfortunately you’ll have to add each event manually. You can still set up its recurrence though, so for example, let’s say you have the same event repeating multiple times per day, every single day.

    If the event occurs at 10am, then again at 3pm, then again at 8pm, then you’ll have to do three manual imports. First, import the 10am event, then adjust its recurrence settings so that it repeats daily. Then, do this for the 3pm event. Finally, import the 8pm version of the event and set its recurrence, and you should be good to go.

    Please let me know if that makes sense, or if you have any followup questions related to this.Β  If you’d like a detailed overview of Event Recurrence in Events Calendar PRO, I’d definitely recommend the following tutorial video β†’

    β€” George

    in reply to: Re-occurring Events #884781

    Hey @sammioneill,

    I’ll answer your questions in reverse-order here, starting with your third question about child prices:

    Unfortunately, you cannot state more than one price at this time.

    in reply to: Spam Registrations on Events Calendar #884763

    Hey Harold,

    Apologies for the delayed response – but yes, the new version is scheduled for release sometime in mid-December. It could, of course, get pushed back a bit for any number of reasons, but it’s very reasonable to expect its release by the New Year.

    How tolerable is that (estimated) timeline for you? Also, I’m curious: is Akismet installed on your site?


    in reply to: 500 error #882332

    Hey Justinbonnet,

    Thanks for sharing that information from your server administrator. The Tribe Events log items about the calendar initializing are actually okay – those are supposed to be there if you have the log enabled.

    As for your .htaccess file, however, there seems to be some problems here. Did you copy and paste parts of it from somewhere else, or have the server administrator modify it at all?

    For example, there are two separate modules within your .htaccess but one of them – the first one – is unclosed. That could cause problems.

    For now, I’d recommend deleting the existing contents of your .htaccess file and replacing it with what’s recommended in this article on β†’

    Once you change that .htaccess file, let us know how things behave. We can go from there.



    in reply to: Spam Registrations on Events Calendar #880758

    Hey Harold,

    I tried out Contact Form 7 on a little local test site, and right “out of the box” that script that you linked to worked fine for me in – captchas were generated in both the Contact Form 7 email form, and also in the Community Events event submission form.

    It’s still possible that your caching setup is messing with the Captcha generation here (or something about your server configuration, possibly).

    In my opinion, the best solution would be to hold off and just manually delete the spam entries for now, until the next update comes out. Built-in captcha support is one of the key new features in the coming update, pretty good timing! Waiting for that release seems to be the efficient course of action here, instead of trying to patch together a solution now – only to get the next Events Calendar update and use the new built-in Captcha anyways.

    Do you think you can hold the fort until the next update? The built-in Captcha solution should work really nicely, and will allow you to trim your Plugins repository by being able to get rid of that custom script from GitHub.

    in reply to: Spam Registrations on Events Calendar #877851

    Hey Harold,

    Cool, that script is pretty well-written. One thing I’m curious about here is caching: you mentioned that you’d disabled all the plugins on your site, but is there any chance you left your caching plugin active? Or deactivated it, but the cache didn’t clear in the time it took for you to investigate your issue here?

    I only ask because when I went to your site, many of your assets are being cached and/or minified. I’d recommend ensuring that both caching and minification are disabled on your site, and that any caches from your end are cleared.

    If you do this, update the ticket here so we can check out your event submission form again and see if anything’s different. If not, then we can rule out caching and minification as possible culprits and go from there.


    in reply to: Spam Registrations on Events Calendar #877264

    Hey Harold!

    Sorry to hear about all your spam! I’m curious, what’s the exact script for captchas that you’re referring to? If there’s something outdated about it, we can update that tutorial or FAQ to make sure this problem doesn’t persist.

    In the meantime, there’s some good news! We’ve been working hard on getting full-on ReCAPTCHA support into our next release. We’re on track to pull that off, so if you can hang on until then, we’ll have an even better solution ready for you to use.

    I hope that answers your main questions for now, let me know more information about your existing script and we might be able to offer more insight from there.



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