Community Events Plugin Conflict

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  • #884787

    Hello All,
    I have installed the Community Events plugin and on the add event page it seems to be conflicting with a small portion of the websites jQuery.

    I have some very simple jQuery functions that aren’t loading, like adding a back to top button that works on every other page of the site except the community add event page.

    I have tried everything from moving .js file load order, ensuring that the scripts are properly registered and enqueued with WordPress and have even tried different jQuery back to top plugins all with the same result.

    I managed to get some of the functions to work by swapping out “$( document ).ready(function() {” for “$(window).load(function(){” instead. This has solved some of the issues but not the back to top button.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Hey Caitlin,

    Sorry you’re having trouble here. Just to be clear, when you describe changes you’ve made to functions, and swapping out $(document).ready() code for $(window).on( ‘load’ ) code, you’re talking about modifying your own JavaScript, right? Have you made any edits to any JavaScript you’ve found within Events Calendar, Events PRO, or Community Events?

    Assuming you have not edited any of the JavaScript within those plugins, there seems to be a JavaScript error on your site because of the version of jQuery you’re using. Your site is using jQuery version 2.1.1, but one of the JavaScript files within Events Calendar Pro has functions that use the .live() jQuery method, which needs older versions of jQuery to function. The latest version of jQuery you could use that would support that .live() method, and thus prevent this JavaScript error, is version 1.7.

    Have you written any custom PHP code to load jQuery version 2.1.1, maybe in your themes’s functions.php file or something? How are you loading jQuery on your site?



    Hey Caitlin,

    Just wanted to check in on this ticket here. It’s been a few days since it was last updated, but we did have a weekend between now and when this was last updated, so no worries. If you have any news on the things discussed here, let us know!

    Cheers 🙂


    Hello George,

    Thank you for your reply, it seems the notifications for this thread went to spam so I missed your reply and apologize for the delay in responding.

    I have not made any adjustments to the plugins .js. I have my own .js file that I changed to use the $(window).on( ‘load’ ) event because that managed to at least get jQuery to work on that particular page.

    As for rolling back jQuery to 1.7 I am using the Zurb Foundation Framework and I am pretty sure that it requires a more recent version of jQuery. Most WordPress themes that I have run into lately do… Is there any other option than rolling back my .js?


    Hey Caitlin,

    No worries about the late reply! Thanks for coming back 🙂 I’m glad you did because I think there’s something else going on here than simply a jQuery version conflict, like I originally suspected.

    I looked at your site again and noticed that the specific location of the un-supported .live() method being called is an admin script from the Events Calendar – in other words, it’s only supposed to be in the admin of your site and does not belong on the front-end.

    Additionally, look at the URL for this script. It’s being loaded from your CDN:

    I’m curious why that script is showing up on the front-end, and can’t imitate this behavior on my local site, so if you’re able to, I’d recommend disabling your CDN temporarily. This is just to test whether or not the CDN itself is playing a role in this issue.

    Let us know if you can do this, and if you get the CDN temporarily disabled, let us know if things behave any differently on your events submission page.

    Thanks Caitlin!



    This issue’s been sitting here a while so I’m going to go ahead and close it for now – if other issues arise, don’t hesitate to come back and open a new ticket, and if you need to open a new ticket about the same issues you originally brought up here, please share a link to this original ticket so we can pick up where we left off.


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