Questions about TEC

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Questions about TEC

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    I have been looking at this for a while. I have a few outstanding questions:

    1. If I use Ontraport, does that mean I don’t need event tickets plus, as I would create the event as a product in Ontraport? Is there anything else I would need events tickets plus for?
    2. Does TEC integrate with Ontraport?
    3. I have been looking at tockify, which seems to have much better social media sharing. What’s the best way to enable that with TEC please?
    4. Event Aggregator – does this mean I can pull in events that are not mine from any website or meetup or other source and put them on my calendar?
    5. Community events – I am looking to create a calendar for a 3 month tour where I run a couple of events and people run other events – I know I need community events, and I am wondering if I need community tickets? If people want to use my system to sell tickets, that’s fine but I’d like it to go through Ontraport and again, I’m not clear (as per point 1) if I need community tickets or not?

    Thanks for your clarification on all the above.



    6. Social media sharing buttons – I read this article here

    However, wondering if there is anything more comprehensive?

    And does it work with “add this”? Or it doesn’t look pretty?!!

    Thanks for the help on this additional question too.

    Bestest 🙂


    Hey, another query!

    7. Integration and working with Divi Theme

    I’ve just seen this review and I was planning to use TEC on my divi websites. Is it working now? What is the experience with this? I may also post this in the user section as well as pre-sales as I’m guessing there’ll be more experience there. Thank you.


    Hi Jen!

    Thanks for your interest in our plugins! 🙂

    Let me try to answer each of your questions.

    1. If I use Ontraport, does that mean I don’t need event tickets plus, as I would create the event as a product in Ontraport? Is there anything else I would need events tickets plus for?
    2. Does TEC integrate with Ontraport?

    I’m not really familiar with Ontraport, but we don’t provide any integration with their system. Event Tickets Plus allows you to create and sell tickets to your events using any of the e-commerce solutions we integrate with (WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download). It will also allow you to collect additional information from your events attendees.

    3. I have been looking at tockify, which seems to have much better social media sharing. What’s the best way to enable that with TEC please?

    Our plugins do not provide any social media sharing functionalities by default. However, you can surely achieve this with third party plugins. Just like you found, the article gives an overview of how you can do this >

    As to “Add This”, it could probably be a similar integration, but unfortunately we don’t have any specific instructions on how to integrate with it.

    4. Event Aggregator – does this mean I can pull in events that are not mine from any website or meetup or other source and put them on my calendar?

    With Event Aggregator you can import events from several feeds and URLs, and also from other sites using The Events Calendar plugin. You can learn more about this in the following article >

    5. […] I am wondering if I need community tickets? If people want to use my system to sell tickets, that’s fine but I’d like it to go through Ontraport and again, I’m not clear (as per point 1) if I need community tickets or not?

    Community Events adds an event submission form to the frontend of your website so users can add events to your calendar without needing admin access. But in order for your users to create tickets for those submitted events, you will need Community Tickets and WooCommerce.

    7. Integration and working with Divi Theme

    Many of our customer use Divi alongside our plugins. You can learn more about theme compatibilty in the following post >

    We also have a dedicated extension to make it easy to resolve compatibility issues with Divi >

    I hope that helps! Let me know if any follow up questions.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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