Additional Attendee Information not in Export

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    Despite your docs saying this:

    “If you want a full listing of all your attendee information, you can use the Export button to get a CSV file of all the data.”

    the export only contains the basics: Order, Status, Customer Name, Customer Email, Type Type, #, Security Code, Check in.

    If I’m reading this thread correctly ( then the functionality doesn’t actually exist, and probably won’t for months.

    The Additional Attendee Info is the key feature that lead me to buy this plugin, and that I have been able to successfully pitch to multiple clients. Since the export is not actually available, perhaps you could at least amend the docs for a time so as to not promote a feature that doesn’t yet exist?

    Since I need this for two clients this week I’m off to our dev team to see if they can get it working. I don’t mind paying to add functionality to plugins, but it doesn’t sit right when you have to hire someone to make it do what it already promised to deliver.

    Note: To be fair, the support I’ve received otherwise here has been prompt and excellent, and that is appreciated. I also see you actively involved in other threads, and that’s a good sign. Please consider either fast-tracking the fix or correcting your supporting material to avoid disappointment.


    Geoff B.

    Good morning Ryan and welcome back!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    I would love to help you with this topic.

    Until an official fix is released, you could try the following snippet:

    Let me know if that helps.

    Have a great day!

    Geoff B.




    I created the other thread referenced here, and I made a quick plug-in for my own use with ET+ v 4.1.2. I had to update it for ET 4.1.3 since the order of columns were changed.
    Now for ET 4.1.4 it does not work any longer since the ticket number is no longer included in the CSV export – only name and email 🙁

    The snippet Geoff B. links to works out of the box for the mentioned versions with no changes – except with ET 4.1.4 only name and email are included in addition to our own information.

    I have created a thread for the issue with ET 4.1.4:

    Geoff B.

    Hey Christian,

    Thank you for chiming in.

    I will try to get the snippet updated so that everybody has a temporary solution until the issue is corrected in an upcoming maintenance release.

    Have a good week-end,

    Geoff B.



    Having Same issue.

    I have no idea what to do with the snippet code, where do i put it?



    Geoff B.

    Hello all,

    @Christian and @Ryan: one of our Dev is working on providing a snippet that adds the ticket number back to the export

    : in the meantime you can get all of the other info by putting that snippet in the functions.php file of your WordPress theme or child theme

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    In the meantime – and for the “technically challenged” 🙂 – here is the plugin I created that includes the snippet:

    Event Tickets+ Meta CSV

    Geoff B.

    Hey Christian,

    That’s pretty sweet. Thank you once again!

    Have a good week-end,

    Geoff B.


    This reply is private.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by kattouf.

    The plugin I created does not remove the “Attendees” link.
    I had the event and tickets created on a Page and for that the “Attendees” link was missing prior to ET 4.1.3 so make sure you are using that version to see the link. If you can not upgrade to that specific version (since 4.1.4 is now out) you can find the link by editing the page in question – look for the “Attendees” link above the ticketing section.

    Hope this helps…

    Geoff B.

    Hello all,

    Good news! I believe the following snippet, added in your theme’s functions.php will restore the missing fields including the ticket #.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.



    Sorry – but this snippet has no impact at all.


    I am glad I’m not the only one it does not work for. See discussion in


    Indeed, Christian. It looks like they are going backwards, giving us less info in the exports instead of more 😉

    Thankfully they have acknowledged the problem and promised to fix it (at an undetermined date of their choosing).

    I know bugs happen, but in my limited time using this plugin I’m thinking a little more investment in QA before release will solve a lot of headaches.

    In the meantime I can offer you the same thing as Paul: A fix that works with Tickets 4.1.3 and Tickets Plus 4.1.2, completely without any warranty or guarantee, 120% use at your own risk. 🙂 It’s working on two of my sites. Email [email protected] if you want it.

    Geoff B.

    Hey Ryan,

    I am sorry that the snippet does not seem to work for you guys.

    As I pointed out to the other folks that are experiencing a similar issue, this one is quite the puzzler since the snippet has been tested successfully on a variety of themes and installs 🙁

    Please rest assured that we indeed take this issue very seriously. In fact, this is why we released the snippet and are determined to tweak it if necessary so that it works for all.

    As for the full official bugfix release, it is true that we cannot commit to a release date yet. But what I can tell you is that it is a prime candidate for the next Maintenance release.

    So at this point, I would like to try to identify why the snippet does not work for you and for at least 2 other users.
    In order to achieve that,  could you please provide us with your complete system information in a private reply using the instructions found in the following link?

    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation so that we can get to the bottom of this.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.

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