Peter Poulides

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  • Peter Poulides

    Thanks, Barry!

    Yes, you can’t see the events because of the customization I’ve done. They are there, however. If you view the source, you’ll see the container div for a bunch of events that aren’t actually displayed. I am using a custom post type of my own for most event data and only using The Events Calendar for time/date/ticketing info. Since these events that aren’t of the “spot-class” type aren’t supposed to be here, the code isn’t pulling in the custom data for them.

    So I think it is the same issue – it just appears different because of my customizations.

    in reply to: Categories Pages resetting while advancing month. #985947
    Peter Poulides


    I am experiencing a similar issue. When I access this URL I see a filtered month view: However if I use the month navigation, the resulting month view is no longer filtered. Because of the customization I’ve done, you’ll only see blank space with a line beneath it for the events that shouldn’t show up, but if you hover over the blank space you’ll see there is an event there.

    I tried an alternative approach using tribe_exclude_events_category found here ( The results are the same.

    The issue does seem to be AJAX related. For example, if I directly access the August page via URL, the result is as expected. However if I arrive on the August calendar via the “Next month” navigation which uses AJAX, the category filter doesn’t work.

    in reply to: wooTickets: major flaw in Attendee list #829989
    Peter Poulides

    Thanks for your reply, Brook.

    Just to clarify, there are two issues:

    1. is a bug (originally reported on 9/30) where the order status is not showing up in the existing order status column on the attendee list. This is a critical part of having an accurate attendee list (according to the way the WooTickets attendee list is set up).

    2. is a “would be nice to have” where the aggregate data up top displays the actual number of attendees.

    Are you saying the first bug won’t even be fixed in this release? This is kind of a showstopper for a site I will be launching soon where having accurate attendee lists is critical to effectively managing their ongoing events. I really hope I don’t have to tell my client they’ll have to manually track everything externally in Excel.

    in reply to: Bundle Tickets #776430
    Peter Poulides

    Hi Craig,
    I am completing development on a site that has a similar situation and we were able to solve this using the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin. With this plugin, you can create a WooCommerce product bundle and specify the individual products (aka: tickets) to include. Doing it this way does result in accurate attendee lists as technically the person has purchased each of the items included in the bundle (though the price may be set at the bundle level). Hope that helps!

    in reply to: WPEC documentation #83042
    Peter Poulides

    This reply is private.

    in reply to: WooTickets / Ajax add-to-cart #83041
    Peter Poulides

    Thanks. In the meantime I have found a workaround. I’m using the get_tickets_ids() method to get the ticket ID(s) (aka: woocommerce product ID) and then using the WooCommerce add to cart shortcode to generate the button. This means I’m essentially using WooCommerce’s add to cart button which has the desired AJAX functionality built-in – is there any reason why this would cause problems from a WooTickets perspective?

    in reply to: WooTickets / Ajax add-to-cart #81983
    Peter Poulides

    Thanks for your follow up! I looked into EDD and it is a little too simple for our needs. We have some very specific pricing requirements that we’ve found 3rd party plugins will accommodate for either WooCommerce and WP-ecommerce. What are the chances of this feature being added to WooTickets or WPEC in the near future? It would really make our day!!

    in reply to: WooTickets / Ajax add-to-cart #81667
    Peter Poulides

    I’d like the user to be able to add an item to the cart and stay on the same page and have the cart total automatically update. This is how the cart works in woocommerce but with the plugin, it takes you to the cart page instead of staying on the same page and updating the cart via AJAX.

    in reply to: WooTickets / Ajax add-to-cart #81483
    Peter Poulides

    Thanks for your reply, Kelly. Could you also find out if WPEC Tickets already has an AJAX add to cart button? We were planning to go with WooCommerce but now that WPEC Tickets is available – we might consider sticking with WP ecommerce.

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