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  • irishrunner16

    Hi Leah,
    Thanks for checking on this. I gave this a shot but I’m unfortunately not familiar with creating such a function, so I haven’t gotten this to work. If you have a chance, would you be able to let me know the snippet that I should put in my functions.php file?
    Thank you,

    in reply to: How to obfuscate email addresses #271067

    Thanks Barry! Making that change in addition to
    $email = tribe_get_organizer_email();
    got this working.

    Have a great holiday!

    in reply to: Altering the layout of event categories #255765

    PS – just realized that paste included styling that I added to hide the label entirely…figured I’d note that in case anyone else came across this and was wondering why it wasn’t showing up 🙂 So if someone wants the label, use this instead:

    #tribe-events #tribe-events-content-wrapper #tribe-events-content dt {
    #tribe-events #tribe-events-content-wrapper #tribe-events-content dd {
    margin-left: 0px;

    in reply to: Altering the layout of event categories #255741

    Casey, thanks so much! Didn’t know that about dd and dt elements – so thanks for the lesson!

    Although the above didn’t do the trick for my scenario, it did point me in the right direction and got me where I needed to go. I ended up adding the following to my css and that got the categories (and label) displaying inline on my list view.

    Thanks again!

    #tribe-events #tribe-events-content-wrapper #tribe-events-content dt {
    width: 0px !important;
    height: 0px !important;
    font-size: 0px;
    overflow: hidden !important;
    display: none;
    position: absolute;
    top: -10000px;
    visibility: hidden;
    #tribe-events #tribe-events-content-wrapper #tribe-events-content dd {
    margin-left: 0px;

    in reply to: Filter Bar – Template Override for category order #247954

    Hi indrakubicek. If you change line 20 of the override file (that i mentioned above) to the following that should get the categories to sort based on the order you set in the plugin’s settings:

    $event_cats = get_terms( TribeEvents::TAXONOMY, array( 'orderby' => 'term_order', 'hide_empty' => false ) );

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: Large events database conflicts with theme #245726

    Hey Casey,
    Thank you very much for the suggestions and advice. It did turn out that our host had a hard limit on the memory, which is why the changes we had tried implementing in the htaccess and wp-config files was not working. Everything appears to be fine now with the increased memory limit.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Large events database conflicts with theme #231316

    Hey Casey,
    I had previously added the following to my htaccess file:
    php_value memory_limit 1000M

    I did try adding the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT to my wp-config.php (also setting it to 1000), but that unfortunately didn’t have any effect. Still unable to access the settings of TEC…weird, because the byte limit referenced in the error would be 256MB (I have the limit set to 1000)…but in either case I’d think that should be more than enough?


    in reply to: Internet Explorer not compatible #168886

    Hi Lars,

    I had submitted a similar issue nearly two months ago with regards to searches in IE 9 and lower not working when the Filter Bar is activated, so you are definitely not alone here. See:

    Basically, the calendar (with Filter Bar activated) is completely broken in IE 9 and lower because all searches have their criteria reset when clicking on “next events.” In other words, if a user plugs in some search criteria, the correct events are displayed on the first page, but then ALL events are displayed after clicking “next events.”

    Rob/Casey – any update on if IE 9 compatibility is in the pipeline yet?


    in reply to: How to hide Event Tags from single event meta box? #161072

    Thanks Casey! That works great.
    Also, thanks for the heads up on the Event Meta changes that are in the works. Sounds like a good change, especially for those with limited php know-how like myself 🙂

    in reply to: Searches in Internet Explorer not working #141654

    Hey Brook,

    Just wanted to check in to see if there was an ETA on fixing the broken searches in IE 9. I have a bunch of my users asking and would like to provide them an update in possible.


    in reply to: Events missing VenueLat and VenueLng meta_key values #141648

    Ok thanks very much Barry. I’ll take a look at that and will likely need to have our devs dig into the constructor to integrate it with MapQuest.

    I just want to thank you again for helping get to the bottom of this issue. I was not aware of the limits for Google’s Geocoding API. If not for your geofetch test, I’d probably still be pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the coordinates weren’t always being created! So, thanks again for all of your help. You guys rock and have some of the best customer service around!


    in reply to: Event Cost filter not working on Edit Events page #141627

    Thanks Barry!

    in reply to: Events missing VenueLat and VenueLng meta_key values #140855

    Sorry for the additional question…just want to make sure that I have a firm grasp of when TEC pings the Google Geocoding API.

    Is there a list of instances when a request is made to the Google API? I see that 2,500 requests are allowed in a 24 hour period, which would still be more than enough in our case for the creation of the venue coordinates. Does TEC also make requests to Google anytime a user uses the map view or location search via the events bar? We have about 2.5 million Page Views/month, so that’d make a big difference. From what I can tell the location search/map view still returns the correct events even with the Google API reporting OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, so I think I’m in need of a little clarification to better understand what’s causing us to go over the limit.

    in reply to: Events missing VenueLat and VenueLng meta_key values #140544

    Ok, so at one point this morning I hit a page with the geofetch query on it and was seeing coordinates. I modified the snippet and got the following output:

    Coordinates: stdClass Object ( [error_message] => You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. [results] => Array ( ) [status] => OVER_QUERY_LIMIT )

    So that makes sense why it was not always getting the coordinates. I talked to our management team and they informed me that because Google has such low limits, it isn’t really cost effective for a big site like ours. We have an account with MapQuest. Given that, is it possible to change the source (from Google to MapQuest) that the geocoordinates are pulled from when an event is submitted/created? I know it’d be a customization, but if you could point me in the direction of what files(s) I’d need to update, that’d be extremely helpful.

    Thanks again for helping figure out what the issue was! Look forward to hearing any suggestions you have on changing where the coordinates are pulled from when events are created.


    in reply to: Events missing VenueLat and VenueLng meta_key values #139914

    Wordpress SEO plugin was prohibiting the geofetch from displaying on my production site. Disabled that and the yellow block also only returned “Coordinates:” there as well.

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