Internet Explorer not compatible

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  • #160719

    Hi, we are getting furious complaints from users experiencing that no events are shown at all in “Week View” when using Internet Explorer 9 or earlier IE versions. This is a huge problem as the user will get the impression that no events are available at all.

    We need Modern Tribe to support some kind of “fallback” or alert. Or provide a snippet that will redirect any user with a non-supported browser (from “Week View + Month View” to “List View”.

    Please advice.


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    Casey D

    Hello mending,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    As far as I know, most of those browsers are supported (not sure about IE6).

    I checked on IE8 in Windows 7, and I was able to make week view work just fine with a base install and the Twentytwelve theme. More than likely you have a theme conflict.

    2014-05-19 at 9.43 AM

    At Modern Tribe we work hard to release polished and clean, professional software. However in the open source market place, this is not always the case.

    Before submitting a support post, we ask users to deactivate all plugins and change to a theme like Twentytwelve, as a proven way to check for conflicts.

    Ideally, they will do this on a local, development, or staging environment. It’s possibly a little tedious, but it is the surest and most efficient way to get to the root of a complicated issue. We know this after years of combined experience troubleshooting technological problems of all shapes and sizes.

    If the issue still occurs on a normalized system, there is more than likely a problem with our plugin (a bug).

    If the issue goes away on a normalized system, there is more than likely conflict with another plugin or theme that is not ours.

    This is an integral part of our troubleshooting process. By reactivating plugins one at a time, checking the problem with each activation, you can immediately find out where the conflict is. Otherwise, it is a difficult (impossible) guessing game.


    Can you please deactivate your plugins and theme, to confirm the problem goes away. Please reactivate each piece, until the problem comes back. Please let us know which plugin causes the problem.

    – Casey Driscoll


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    Lars, thanks for the follow-up. I see you sent over an email this weekend that I’ll reply to this afternoon so we can continue the exchange that way. As I mentioned via email, the earliest we’re going to be able to provide support for is IE9 (earlier versions are out of scope and you’ll need to figure out how to support those on your own).

    That said we are happy to continue working with this for you; if our plugin is responsible for a poor rendering in IE9 that doesn’t occur with other browsers and is recreatable on a stock theme (which sounds like it is the case), we’ll do our best to get you sorted there. Thanks for your patience so far.


    Hi Rob, we not getting any events rendered in “View Week” with IE 9 on Windows 7. Please test our site yourself from the link above.

    Casey D

    Hello mending,

    Here are two side by side shots of your website and a vanilla install on IE9 in Windows 7.

    The vanilla install (Twentytwelve theme, no extra plugins) is working as expected. This is as much as we can promise to support.

    2014-05-20 at 7.18 PM

    Here is your site with no events in week view:

    2014-05-20 at 7.24 PM


    I will have one of our devs take a look at it, to see if he can find where the conflict is and report back tomorrow. However, since it is a conflict with a plugin or theme on your site, I’m not sure we’ll be able to do much to help 🙁

    – Casey Driscoll


    Hi Casey

    My research shows that “The Events Calendar: Filter Bar” plugin causes events NOT to show in IE9 and (as well and IE 8+7).

    The link in the “Private reply” belows provide a copy of same site on a different domain (as the original site is live) on “TwentyTwelve” theme with no other plugins installed than:

    “The Events Calendar”
    “The Events Calendar PRO”
    “The Events Calendar: Filter Bar”

    The result is the same. NO events showing i either IE 7, 8 or 9 in “Week View”. But when I deactivate “The Events Calendar: Filter Bar” plugin all events are showing up just fine in “Week View” in even IE 7, 8 and 9 !

    Try installing “The Events Calendar: Filter Bar” on your own site.


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    Hi Lars,

    I had submitted a similar issue nearly two months ago with regards to searches in IE 9 and lower not working when the Filter Bar is activated, so you are definitely not alone here. See:

    Basically, the calendar (with Filter Bar activated) is completely broken in IE 9 and lower because all searches have their criteria reset when clicking on “next events.” In other words, if a user plugs in some search criteria, the correct events are displayed on the first page, but then ALL events are displayed after clicking “next events.”

    Rob/Casey – any update on if IE 9 compatibility is in the pipeline yet?



    @irishrunner16: Thanks! Great to know that we are not alone with this. “The Events Calendar: Filter Bar” plugin is obviously causing a lot of problems.

    This needs an urgent update as it is causing thousands of IE users (still on IE 9 or earlier) to experience a blank event calendar. We cannot put our name to this and nor can Modern Tribe.


    Hey guys. Thanks for the update here. Yes, Sean’s issue is definitely on the radar. Just to clarify on the “two months ago” comment: it’s worth noting based on our release cycle that something reported in late March (as Sean’s was) would still not be deployed – we were a day away from shipping release 3.5 at that time, and had the scope of 3.6 defined already. The earliest an issue like this (which I agree is important, but probably wouldn’t go so far as calling a showstopper that warranted its own hotfix) would be patched is the 3.7 release we’ve got slated to ship next month.

    Indeed, while we don’t generally comment on specific timetables because there is so much in flux that could change, know that I’ve got this slated as literally our top priority Filter Bar ticket for that 3.7 codebase (the build we’re shifting focus to immediately after getting 3.6 out the door). I know this is a pain point for both of you and probably a few others out there as well…and as you’re both long-time and active users here on the forums, that’s all the more reason to make sure we serve you in the best way possible. If users are unable to upgrade to the latest Internet Explorer between now and then – which is definitely always encouraged, since there are a number of pitfalls associated with being on a browser that isn’t up to date – then relief should be in sight with that release.

    I appreciate both of your patience on this so far, and to Sean for stepping in and confirming this is a Filter Bar issue rather than something specific to The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO. If you find my answer isn’t to your liking or this timeline isn’t aggressive enough, let me know and I’ll see what we can do to make things right.


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    Shayna Latham

    I had the same issue with IE9 but could not disable all plugins. The solution was to reduce the number of css to below 30, actually i minified all css. IE9 has a limit of external files that it allows to load.
    Try this it fixed my issue.
    Only issue that remained was the ajax search was not working so for IE9 i hid it.

    Casey D

    Hello mhsieh, thanks for the info.

    We have added a high priority ticket for this issue for the Next Release. I will close this thread for now, but will reply on here when the patch is released.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions or comments.

    Thanks for your support and patience!

    – Casey Driscoll

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