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  • in reply to: Venues only in map view? #1062533

    Thanks for the information. I can do the custom query to get the venues that I need, but I want to use your Ajax_Map asset class, in order to get the map shown. I don’t want to re-invent the wheel and all the necessary functions are already there.

    This is what I tried:

    I create a custom page template and call the function:

    Tribe__Events__Pro__Template_Factory::asset_package( ‘ajax-maps’ );

    that should include the javaScript for “tribe-maps” and “tribe-events-pro-geoloc” into the template. But for some reason, they are not showing up on the page.

    I think I can just copy the code inside the handle method and rebuild the functionality, but it would be better coding standard to use the existing class. I stepped through it via debugger, and the javaScript files are actually registered and enqueued when I step through, but at some point it seems that they are de-registered somewhere in the modern tribe code.

    If you can just point me to the right direction, so that I can use this existing asset, I can take it from there and build the map by myself.

    in reply to: Overriding organizer template / fields #1037394

    The main issue is, it pulls this same file on the front-end when using the community event plugin. This same admin view is called on the front-end when making the event add form. There’s a view file (organizer-fields.php) in the /src/views/community/ directory, which is never called/displayed. It seems like this file should be used (and be possible to be overriden in the theme) when displaying the community add form on the front-end.

    in reply to: Facebook Events Feature Requests #25500

    I’d just like to put in another vote for exporting events from ECP to Facebook as well!

    in reply to: Permalink conflict with Yoast SEO on recurring events #21866

    Just to note – this also happens with SEO Ultimate plugin and my sitemap.xml file. I’ve temporarily fixed it by patching the SEO ultimate plugin – but I hope that the fix that gets put with the August release helps with the SEO ultimate plugin as well as the Yoast SEO fix!

    in reply to: Events Calendar PRO Feature Requests #17616

    CSV based importer for bulk creation. I was very surprised when this wasn’t part of the PRO after I purchased it.

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