Adam Listek

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  • in reply to: Old Recurring Event Issue #1366982
    Adam Listek

    This worked to remove the issue, but since this is modifying core code, I can’t really keep using this. Is this bug on the list to be fixed in the next few versions and should I use this as a temporary workaround just in the meantime?

    Another way to get rid of it is to turn on WP_DEBUG and then turn off WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY which may be the most viable workaround for the moment.

    Let me know, thanks!


    in reply to: Old Recurring Event Issue #1366324
    Adam Listek

    Thanks Patricia, I’ll try this out later today and let you know how it goes. I appreciate you checking into this!


    in reply to: Recurring Events Incorrect Dates #1329107
    Adam Listek


    Thank you very much, after some testing that worked. I do agree it is a bit confusing as that is not how we interpreted it but once explained it does make sense.


    in reply to: Events Calendar PRO Slowing down site #1328561
    Adam Listek


    Not sure if this has been already solved by support or not, but a fix to our site that I found (since we have about 15k events), has been to remove the Next/Previous event button’s on single events and to turn off the related events feature. Neither were critical for our operation but went from 20-30 second load times on pages (keep in mind this is on a very heavily optimized and cached server) to under a second for most pages.

    The reason that this appears to be is that the SQL queries necessary to calculate the closest events were causing temporary tables in MySQL to be created and slowing everything down. In our case this was compounded by the the indexing of various search engines and traffic of several thousand a day (not a high volume site).

    Something to consider if you haven’t tried that for troubleshooting. Those can be removed by creating a tribe-events folder in your theme directory and a single-event.php file underneath that is copied from the src/views folder in The Events Calendar plugin (not Pro). To turn off related events, that is a setting within the WordPress Admin.

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Community Events User Event Deletion Not Working #1324632
    Adam Listek


    I had posted a follow-up awhile ago as I figured out the problem, but for some reason it disappeared. I’m assuming something with my browser so I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.

    After much troubleshooting, I found that I needed to change my NGINX config to pass the query string (?$query_string). Up to this point, this has worked on every site and plugin because WordPress can read the “request_uri” and does not need the “query_string” to be passed. In this case The Events Calendar apparently does. Once that was passed in, deleting events worked properly.

    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    I have been unable to find better guidance on the usage of this in this directive (whether good or bad), so until that point, for functionalities sake, I am going to continue using this.

    Thank you for your help and hopefully this assists others!


    in reply to: Community Events User Event Deletion Not Working #1314926
    Adam Listek


    Thank you for looking into this. I did a completely fresh WordPress 4.8 install with only the three plugins installed using the 2017 theme. I used the latest versions of all the plugins.

    I made a subscriber and set the ability for them to edit/remove events. I then signed in using incognito mode and created an event that I then tried to delete. I receive the same error, that “You do not have permission to delete this event.”

    I run a NGINX (1.13.0), PHP-FPM (7.0.16), MariaDB (10.x) stack on a 16.04 Ubuntu server. It should be a fairly standard stack, also since this is a development server, all caching is turned off (I use NGINX Microcache and Redis for Object Caching on my production server). The site is behind CloudFlare with strict SSL on.

    If you want, I am more than happy to grant access to the test site for further troubleshooting. I am going to work on further debugging to see if it is something in my server configuration or something else. Thank you!


    in reply to: 3.10 Very Slow Performance on Month View #974427
    Adam Listek


    Thanks for the update, I have applied the update in test and it does indeed appear to fix the issue. I appreciate the quick resolution and I have timed it between our current production and the test site and it is indeed the exact same as before. With the cache, it does increase it by a second or two which is good.

    @Kenny, you can modify the template for the mouseover in the month view (I personally replaced it with a totally different JS library as it worked better), by doing the following:

    1) Create tribe-events/month/tooltip.php within your theme directory (theme override for the tooltip).
    2) Copy the code from wp-content/plugins/src/views/month/tooltip.php into your tooltip.php within your theme directory.
    3) Modify the code as you feel fit.

    Something like:

    <script type="text/html" id="tribe_tmpl_tooltip">
    	<div id="tribe-events-tooltip-[[=eventId]]" class="tribe-events-tooltip">
    		<h4 class="entry-title summary">[[=title]]</h4>

    I pretty much stripped everything out from the above, it’s a template for the JavaScript library in use.


    in reply to: 3.10 Very Slow Performance on Month View #971418
    Adam Listek


    Thanks for the update, I appreciate it. If you would like, I have my test site that I could test the patch out on. Let me know, thanks!


    in reply to: 3.10 Very Slow Performance on Month View #970188
    Adam Listek


    I have been trying to do some profiling with XDebug and I am far from an expert on this but it seems to spending the majority of its time through this stack:

    1) Tribe__Events__Template_Month->setup_view (Month.php)
    2) Tribe__Events__Template_Month::get_daily_counts (Month.php)
    3) Tribe__Events__Query::getEventCounts (Query.php)
    a) tribe_event_is_on_date (date.php)
    b) tribe_get_option (general.php)

    I’ll dig into that code and see what I can find, but maybe a starting point? Thanks!


    in reply to: 3.10 Very Slow Performance on Month View #970133
    Adam Listek


    Thanks for the help! Yes, I have tried with 2015 and no other plugins enabled and when I say all other views, I mean that just the month view is displaying the performance issue. The list view and single events view load quickly.

    In regards to hosting environment, I use DigitalOcean and it’s a 1GB Ubuntu VPS running NGINX, PHP-FPM and MariaDB. Since this is a test/staging box, all caching is turned off to aid in debugging.


    in reply to: Past Events in List View #779468
    Adam Listek

    I resolved this issue thankfully by doing the following. I added a filter for the rewrite rules that Tribe generates and put my new rule at the top. You can see the function code in the included gist.

    add_filter( ‘tribe_events_rewrite_rules’, ‘add_rewrite_rules’ );


    in reply to: Upgrade breaks event page #543407
    Adam Listek

    I had a similar issue as I have many customizations. I found this broke the upcoming/past pages since the nav.php changed drastically. Very much simplified but I had to rewrite a lot of logic to get it working again. I would check that out if those are the pages you are having issues with.


    in reply to: Events CSV Import Phone Number & Plugin #230702
    Adam Listek

    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for responding, I appreciate you making a note. I think that there is supposed to be a meta key of _EventPhone that just never got implemented. I am going to have to manually implement it as it’s something my customer wants (especially after they noticed it in the import).

    The problem is with the import, we have defined custom fields through the Events plugin and we need to import them, so I have had to manually add the keys. I think that it would be trivial (and I may implement this myself) to just programmatically pull all the keys without having to explicitly define them. In the meantime I am just modifying the core files unfortunately.


    in reply to: Include Tribe Bar on Every Page #91754
    Adam Listek

    Hi Barry,

    Wish this was just a fun project, it’s for a client so a requirement of the project 🙂 That being said, I have figured out a good way to do this I think but I would like some help with the searching aspect of the plugin.

    For others, what I have done is the following.

    1) Created a custom form search that POSTS to nothing (action=””)
    2) Functions.php has the following to intercept the form and do appropriate actions:

    function redirect_tribe() {
    if (isset($_POST[‘thrive-custom’])) {
    if (empty($_POST[‘thrive-custom’][0])) {
    $date = date(‘Y-m’);
    } else {
    $date = urlencode($_POST[‘thrive-custom’][0]);

    $query = Some custom query code for the GET response

    wp_redirect(home_url(“/events/” . $date . “/” . $query));
    add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘redirect_tribe’ );

    3) Validation and other things, etc.

    The question though is that although I can get it to pick up the date modifiers, I find that it can’t pick up the other query variables, which I believe is due to the AJAX nature of the tribe bar.

    What are the other query variables that are passed to plugin via a URL that I can use to search on (i.e. /2013-12/?tag=test&search=something).


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