Reduced recurring events pregeneration, events past this date not deleted

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Reduced recurring events pregeneration, events past this date not deleted

  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Angela.
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    We have found that the events calendar slows down considerably with the volume of events that our website holds. To counteract this, we reduced the amount of time that the recurring events, but this hasn’t removed the entries that had already been generated. How can this be done, please?

    P.S. Please reduce the enthusiasm of your popup suggesting an ‘answer’! That was incredibly annoying!



    Hi Ellie 🙂

    Welcome back!

    If you visit Events > Settings > General, turn your attention to the Clean up recurring events after option. The lower the number entered, the less time past recurring events will remain listed on your site.

    Let me know if this answers your question. I’ll also provide all resources I have relative to performance below:

    P.S. Please reduce the enthusiasm of your popup suggesting an ‘answer’! That was incredibly annoying!

    I’ll pass this constructive criticism to those who manage the front-end of our website. Thanks!


    Hi Hunter,

    Thank you for your reply. My problem is not being caused by PAST events, but by FUTURE events that have not been deleted when I reduced the ‘Create recurring events in advance for’ setting to 1 month. There are still recurring events in the database for 2018.

    How can I delete these FUTURE events please?




    Thank you for further elaborating on your needs. We’ve got an official Extension aimed to help clean up recurring events. Have a look and let me know if it is going to work for your particular situation.

    Thanks and have a pleasant weekend ahead!


    Thanks Hunter, but I don’t think this fits my requirements.

    We have hundreds of events which are affected by this. Do you have a tool or a solution which will only delete events that occur after my ‘Create recurring events in advance for’ setting please?

    Additionally, this has come up because my customer (and I) are having trouble getting the page to load when we click ‘edit all’ – Chrome just hangs around waiting, until a notification says that the page is non-responsive and should be killed.

    I used this tool to delete recurring events the event which has the most pregenerated events, but this has not eased the issue. Do you have any suggestions please?



    I can’t think of any other tool we have to accomplish what you need. I’d either do it manually in the back end of your Events > Events list, try a plugin like Bulk Delete, or do some SQL queries to delete the events and their related data. As always, backup before performing any queries. You might also want to try searching around our forums to see if any solutions work for you. Here is a recent thread which might lead you in the right direction.

    Let me know how it goes and please include your System Information as a private reply. Thanks and have a great evening!



    I adapted the SQL code on the other thread to my needs.

    I will note that the other SQL code deleted all of my taxonomy terms as well as the extra events – this isn’t ideal! I adapted the script to delete the terms to posts relationship instead.

    However, the issue why I started looking into this still exists:

    When clicking ‘edit all’ on the event the browser (Chrome) hangs, then says the page is non-responsive and needs killing

    Can you offer some advice on how to fix this please?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Angela.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Angela. Reason: Removed SQL code


    Thank you for the update and I’m happy to hear you’re on the right track. I checked our bug reports once more to ensure I’m not missing anything in addition to double-check the performance on my test site when opening a recurring series including ~100 events and didn’t have any troubles whatsoever.

    I wish I had more information for you but without an influx of users experiencing the issue and the inability to reproduce it limits how much more support I can provide. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and let me know if you’ve got any additional questions or comments.


    Can you try replicating it on a site with > 10,000 posts please?


    Hello Angela,

    It looks like your backend is bogged down with the number of events it’s handling.

    As for removing the recurrences your best options are what Hunter outlined above.

    I can recommend couple more things (brainstorming a bit), although simply due to the sheer number of events you have they are going to be time consuming, there is no way around that.

    #1: when listing your events on the backend select the unwanted recurrences and bulk-move them to trash. (And you might want to empty the trash afterwards.) Note that afterwards if you edit and update the original event, the set recurrences will be recreated according to your settings, including the number of months forward / backward.

    In sorting and filtering the events on the back-end our free Advanced Post Manager plugin might be helpful. You can find it here: Advanced Post Manager (APM)

    #2: delete all events and start from scratch. I know this is a long shot and might not be a viable option for you, still it is an option.

    #3: Do an sql export your wp-posts and wp-postmeta table. Modify the entries / delete the unwanted lines. Empty the tables. Re-import the modified SQL data. (Might be faster than trying to create a custom sql query that deletes all.)


    Just in case there is a different issue here:

    When clicking ‘edit all’ on the event the browser (Chrome) hangs, then says the page is non-responsive and needs killing

    Does this also happen to newly created events which only have a couple of recurrences? Or only the older ones which never end?

    Thanks and cheers,


    Oh, and please share with me your system information. Thanks!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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