Google Map doesn't show in event

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Google Map doesn't show in event

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  • #1276851

    I opened a previous thread about this, but was far too busy to spend too much time trying to get this to work.

    I have an API for Google Maps in settings.
    I have the box checked for Show Google Map and also Show Google Map link, but no map appears.

    I’m running the latest version of the Divi theme by Elegant Themes, which recommended the Events Calendar. There is an area in the Divi options to include the Google API for the Divi maps module. I haven’t included the Google Maps API here, as instructed in the previous thread on this issue.

    Map still does not show.

    I’ve also tried adding to the theme settings and not the events calendar settings. The map doesn’t show.

    I then even tried creating a new API key. That also doesn’t work.

    I’ve updated the calendar plugin to the latest version, yet I’m still getting a message in the wordpress dashboard but “The following plugins are out of date: Events Calendar PRO 4.4.6.” Yet checking the downloads, under my account, I find that the latest available version is 4.4.6

    Any ideas? I’d like to get the maps issue resolved.



    Here’s a link to an event on our site.

    Central Coast Workshop


    Hi, Deb.

    I believe you have some custom code or some plugin conflict that is causing the class name to be altered. Please reference this screenshot:

    I’d suggest following these recommended troubleshooting steps for your own site:

    There might be some new updates available. Could you please make sure all your Modern Tribe plugins (and WordPress core) are at their latest versions?

    Once you verify you’re on the latest versions, please test to see if the issue is still happening for you.

    If it is, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide (basically switch to Twenty Seventeen theme and deactivate all plugins and custom code other than Modern Tribe plugins) and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this.

    If it doesn’t, please enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG and share any debug messages you see while changing tickets quantity, navigating your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and any other of your site’s pages relevant to this ticket.

    Then, please share your System Information (while in Testing for Conflicts Mode). That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    You might also see if you can spot any console errors at your site. (If needed, you may reference our KB article Using Google Chrome Developer Tools.)

    Let us know what you find out.



    I changed the theme to the wordpress 2017, running only modern tribe plugins and the map shows.
    So it appears to be a theme conflict issue.
    I’m using Divi by elegant themes.
    Wordpress, the theme and all my plugins are up to date.
    I’ve asked the Elegant Themes support to look into this.


    Thank you for the update and for understanding we do not provide support for non-default WordPress themes… that being said, we have many customers who use Divi.

    Here’s an example of my localhost site running the latest version of Divi theme, v3.0.43:

    Please let me know how this goes for you.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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