Issue with category URLS

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  • #1263685
    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

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    Hi Geoff,

    Thanks for this. A bit confusing as your other customer has stated that the binary option should equal 0

    <taxonomy translate=”0″>tribe_events_cat</taxonomy>

    But you’ve said above that it should =”1″

    Anyway, I tried it =”0″, along with all the other WPML troubleshooting option/clears you recommended, and the good news it seems to have worked – for the most part.

    So now the categories work. But once you click on an Event Calendar taxonomy that we have told WPML to not translate… the language switcher button disappears once you’re in the category. Presumably because we’re telling WPML “don’t translate this type of category”.

    Check it out:

    What do you think? Cheers Greg.

    PS> In general, I’d like to show you this email from our client today, so that you can pass it on to your management for a feel of how our clients are feeling about Tribe Events Calendar right now. (background – I have explained to them that it was fixed before, but is now broken again because WPML changed their code and Tribe haven’t been able to handle that despite knowing about the problem for months and months)



    I understand that it’s a real bugbear for everyone including you Greg, who are having to deal with all the fixes.

    But may I just ask if this risks being a permanent recurrent problem, i.e. each time one or the other developer brings out an update it causes the other to malfunction? The calendar in languages other than English has never worked properly from the outset and there has been an excessive amount of time spent on trying to fix it over the past year to no avail! It just seems to be a never-ending issue.

    Is there any long-term solution? Could we possibly even consider changing the plugin? Or any other suggestion? We certainly can’t carry on like this as It’s sending us all crazy (administrators, site users and I’m sure you too)!



    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

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    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Greg.
    Geoff B.

    Dear Greg,

    Here is the 4 step “force treatment” in case you ever need it:

    1. Go to String Translation and search for the exact “category” string. Translate ALL of them to “category” (even if they do not seem related to slugs), check “translation complete” and hit “save”
    2. Go over to the permalinks page and re-save them
    3. Head over to WPML > Support > Troubleshooting page and hit the following 2 buttons:
      1. Clear the cache in WPML
      2. Recreate ST DB cache tables (located a bit down that screen)

    I have performed this on the other sites and they look OK as well.

    Have a good easter weekend,
    Geoff B.


    Thanks Geoff.

    Hopefully we won’t need to do this again! Glad we got it sorted, cheers for your efforts, hope you had a nice easter.



    PS – I have opened a new ticket to continue a previous thread we were discussing.
    The new thread is here

    and the old thread is here

    for reference. Thanks in advance for your attention.

    Geoff B.

    Good afternoon Greg,

    I am mostly glad we managed to apply the workaround everywhere.

    I have assigned the other thread to myself and will see you there.

    In the meantime, I will change this thread’s status to “Pending fix”.

    Best regards,

    Geoff B.


    Hi Geoff, hope you’re well.

    as a continuation to this thread, it’s been brought to my attention that a similar problem exists when using the “Previous Events” link which is displayed just below the tribe events bar on List view

    If we are in the french version of the site, and click this link, the Previous events display in English.
    The link generated is thus:

    However, if we paste this into browser address bar and try to navigate directly to it, 404 is given

    If we amend “liste” to “list” in the url, the link works from address bar and the list displays correctly in French

    Thanks in advance


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