Events do not show past February 2018

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Events do not show past February 2018

  • This topic has 0 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Jared Shih.
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  • #1448553
    Jared Shih

    Ok we use domains so that wont work. But the 300 import license is not
    subject to such restrictions right?

    Jared Shih

    Hi again,

    I am still a little confused about how the imports work. From the documentation:

    “If you’re running a once-daily import from two Facebook groups and one Meetup group, that counts as three total imports, regardless of the number of events published to your site.”

    So importing an ical URL from a Google calendar will count as 1 import even if there are 30-40 events per import?

    So if everyone of our sites is importing once a day that’s about 100 imports per day?

    Also, my previous question in this thread still stands. Thanks!


    Jared Shih

    Sorry, me again. I am looking at our sites again. Every site says we have used 108 out of our 200 imports so it seems that the 200 we have count for all the sites which is fine. But now back to our original problem which is that events seem to only show 1 month in the future. Is there some reason why more events are not showing in the calendar? For instance this calendar has events only until the middle of March, but in the Google calendar there are events for the rest of the year. How does this work?



    Hi there,

    Okay, so lets start here, how many sites do you have using that same license of 200 daily imports? Also, can you send a screenshot of the page that shows how many imports you have used?



    Jared Shih



    We have close to 200 sites using the same license.


    Hi Jared,

    Ok so that is going to cause and issue with the license since max is 10.


    Jared Shih

    Max of 10 for 200 imports too? It does not say any of this in the documents or during the purchase process. In fact the language made me believe that the license was for an unlimited amount of sites.

    How do the event import limits work?
    There is no limit to the number of events you can fetch during each import, however, there is a limit on the number of imports you can run each day depending on your license level.

    If you’re running a once-daily import from two Facebook groups and one Meetup group, that counts as three total imports, regardless of the number of events published to your site.

    Worth noting – if you use the same license key on multiple sites, all imports run by those sites combined will count towards your daily import limit.

    Now we have committed close to 300 clients to using your plugin and there still there doesn’t seem to be a solution. Are you saying our only solution is to spend close to $5,000 to get enough imports for every site? There must be something we can work out here. Maybe an extra fee to remove the limit on sites but keep the same amount of imports? Please let me know.

    Thank you again for your time!


    Hi Jared,

    There is a 10 site limit and its on the product page. However, this goes beyond what I can help with in support. Going to pass this over to a supervisor and see if there is anything we can come up with for your solution. Unfortunately that will not happen until after the weekend.

    Thanks for you patience!


    Jared Shih

    Ah, I see it there in the top about 10 sites. Alright, I should have looked more carefully. Thanks for looking into this. I am sure there must be something we can work out. Thanks for passing this on.



    Hi Jared,

    Brendan flagged this conversation and I wanted to check in and see what we might be able to do 🙂

    It sounds like there are perhaps two related but separate issues here, one being a question about the number of sites you want to use Event Aggregator from and the other being some ongoing issues with your imports.

    Focusing on the second of those problems for the moment, this is what you initially reported:

    It has events in it for the entire year. But when I go to import it it only imports the events from the current month. The screen below shows only 2 events for this month and next month but none of the other events that are on the calendar.

    It’s possible that what you are experiencing here is just the result of your current import settings.

    If you visit the Events ‣ Settings ‣ Imports ‣ Global Import Settings screen can you tell me what the Import Limit Type is currently set to and also the value of either the import quantity limit or import date range limit setting (you will only see one or the other).

    This might be the limiting factor you are up against. Once we’ve cleared this up, we can investigate whether you need special licensing or not.


    Jared Shih

    Thank you! It appears that our limits were set by date. I chose to remove the limit in the import limit type:

    But when I go to run the import again I get this:

    Is this part because we are limited to the amount of sites the license can use?

    So I can’t confirm if removing the import limit type works yet. But I imagine that might have been the original problem. But as you mentioned it might be connected with our current import limits and the amount of sites we are allowed to use.

    Thanks for your help


    Is this part because we are limited to the amount of sites the license can use?

    Not necessarily. If you are not seeing messages about your import limit being exceeded (and you can check the status of that via the Events ‣ Help screen, as Brendan noted earlier) then you’re probably safe, so far 🙂

    If you do exceed the number of permitted sites, you should see a warning next to your license key on the Events ‣ Settings ‣ License Keys screen – so that’s something to look out for as you expand your use of EA.

    Something else that could be afoot here though is the running of scheduled tasks within WordPress. We depend on some amount of “background processing” via WordPress’s scheduled events API and, by default, that is something that isn’t guaranteed to run at regular intervals (in fact, it depends on having a consistent flow of traffic to your site throughout each 24hr period).

    I’m not sure who your host is – apologies if I missed this earlier in the exchange – but perhaps you could check in on this with them and ask, if it isn’t already in place, for a “true” cron job to be set up that triggers WordPress’s wp-cron.php file every 15 minutes.

    Can you give that a shot, or let me know if you’ve already tried this?


    Jared Shih

    Ah, admin-ajax right? We are on Pantheon. I’ll ask them about the cron job.


    WP Cron runs through wp-cron.php rather than admin-ajax.php, but yep I’m sure Pantheon’s team will be able to put this in place (or confirm if it already is) 🙂

    Jared Shih


    OK. So now it looks like we are having problems with the import limits:

    Can I upgrade to 300 imports and have them work in the same way it does now without any site limits?


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