Widget & Shortcode Producing Diff Results & Themer Guide Changes Not Working

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  • #1134887
    Craig Grant

    I have tried to install the Event Calendar Pro widget on https://reti.us/hpv2/ and no matter which layout I choose (skeleton, full or tribe event styles) it is producing a vertical rectangle display and not the horizontal text display that is supposed to be the default display. When I try to use the shortcode for list view it does show the proper horizontal default display. So is there a reason it is not displaying the proper default display with the widget but is with the shortcode and is there a way to fix it so that the widget does have the right display.

    What I am looking to achieve is the default display but with the month and date image as detailed in this forum thread https://theeventscalendar.com/support/forums/topic/add-month-to-dateday-box-in-widget-list-view/ but from what I can tell this can only be accomplished with the widget and not by modifying the shortcodes.

    And I did follow the themer’s guide instructions and had a couple of issues.
    1. I went through every directory and was not able to find a default.php file. So is there a different name it could be under or a way to fix this.
    2. Any changes I was making to the site css and also to the new version of the list-widget.php file in the tribe-events directory were having zero affect on the live site. So is there any additional changes I need to make to allow this to work.
    Thank you.


    Hi Craig. Thanks for your detailed question.

    Our shortcodes are basically just wrappers for running one of our widget’s code, so they are the same code base. This means that if you want to change the shortcode’s output, you would actually need to edit the widget’s PHP file(s), which it seems like you understand.

    However, I’m uncertain what you’re referring to when you say you don’t find a default.php file. What made you think to look for a file by that name?

    Here are some demos of our widgets. I’m not sure what you mean when you say you want something horizontal instead of vertical. Please explain exactly what you’re wanting by sharing your code customizations, annotated screenshots, and anything else you think will help.

    Thank you.

    Craig Grant

    Hi Cliff,
    Sure not a problem.
    For the calendar list display, I have provided a marked up screenshot of http://www.reti.us/hpv2/ which shows both outputs side by side. In the left column is the shortcode [tribe_events_list limit=”3″] and you will see it is the horizontal row display that I desire but lacks the day/date icon to the left of the calendar events items. In the right column is the Event List widget which is producing 2 columns of event items each in a separate box display. What I desire is the short code display but with the day/date icons to the left of them as shown in the default display you provided in the demos of widget link (and I have confirmed the day/date icon is properly showing on my other sites that have the Event Calendar Pro widget on them, so this issue is limited to the RETI.us site). Also the font color of the links doesn’t match the defaults of the site css and the View More is a pretty big button that I would like to make a smaller link. I’ve also included a screenshot of it looking proper/the way I want it on one of my other sites omcar.com

    As for the default file missing item. In the Themer’s Guide instructions it states the following:
    You can also modify the selected template’s markup to adjust things as well. To do that first find out what template you are using in Events –> Settings –> Display. If you have selected the Default Events Template, the plugin will use the /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/default-template.php template file for the display. You can override and edit this by making a copy and placing in an ‘tribe-events’ folder in your theme.

    I confirmed that I am using the Default Events Template but when I go through the folder structure of the plugin (and I’ve looked everywhere possible) I do not find a default-template.php file. And as I’ve indicated, I have followed the instructions and set up the new folder structure in my theme to try and make some changes to the plugin display and nothing seems to be working/updating the site. So not sure if this is a sign that the plugin didn’t fully install properly or of something else, but I do not find that file anywhere. I have provided a marked up screen shot showing the default-template.php file is not in the folders and the folder structure of public_html/reti/wp-content/plugins/events-calendar-pro/src/views/pro

    Let me know if you have any questions, need anything else or what the next steps would be. Thanks.


    Phew! That was a lot of information. Sorry you’re having so many difficulties customizing things to your liking.

    I’ll try to address each item:


    default-template.php is right where it says it should be, but, from your screenshot, it seems you’re in the ‘events-calendar-pro’ directory and not ‘the-events-calendar’.


    I can only provide such help if your site is running a WordPress default theme like TwentyFourteen, TwentyFifteen, TwentySixteen, etc. because I cannot tell what your theme is doing to the widget/shortcode vs what (if any) error/odd/custom output is from the widget/shortcode itself.


    To make a text link a “big button”, you’d need to follow the Themer’s Guide and override Line 67 of this file: https://github.com/moderntribe/the-events-calendar/blob/develop/src/views/widgets/list-widget.php#L10-L12

    I also cannot assist with all of your styling/color customizations. If there’s just one you really need, please let me know and I may be able to make that exception.

    If you need some coding help, you may want to ask your developer or reference our list of known customizers.

    Craig Grant

    My responses to your reply:

    default-template.php is right where it says it should be, but, from your screenshot, it seems you’re in the ‘events-calendar-pro’ directory and not ‘the-events-calendar’.

    I don’t think you looked at my screenshot as I showed you the file path was to the events-calendar-pro (not the-events-calendar) and that there was nothing in that folder called default-template.php. Unless it is called something totally different than that, there is nothing in that folder with that file name. So please provide me more detail if you feel it is there.


    I can only provide such help if your site is running a WordPress default theme like TwentyFourteen, TwentyFifteen, TwentySixteen, etc. because I cannot tell what your theme is doing to the widget/shortcode vs what (if any) error/odd/custom output is from the widget/shortcode itself.

    So is this your way of saying this is a conflict with the theme? And if it is what is my next step or options as you aren’t giving any advice here. Is this something I can fix with css, is it something I would need to contact the theme developer (and if so what do I have them look into), etc. A little guidance would be appreciated.


    To make a text link a “big button”, you’d need to follow the Themer’s Guide and override Line 67 of this file: https://github.com/moderntribe/the-events-calendar/blob/develop/src/views/widgets/list-widget.php#L10-L12

    I also cannot assist with all of your styling/color customizations. If there’s just one you really need, please let me know and I may be able to make that exception.

    If you need some coding help, you may want to ask your developer or reference our list of known customizers.

    I am not asking you to assist me in styling, but when it is not taking on any of the defaults of the theme or of the widget and just producing weird random results as it is, just like with item 2 I feel you should provide me a bit of guidance how to fix it. So please provide a bit of help here so that I can figure out how to address it because if the plugin or short code was working properly I wouldn’t need to do any styling as what I desire is the default look.



    The only mention of the default-template.php file in the Themer’s Guide was for ‘the-events-calendar’: http://cl.ly/1G2m1Q1Z3b01


    If you want me to look into it further, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this. If it doesn’t, please leave your site in this state so we can take a look.


    Maybe Testing for Conflicts will assist here too.

    I’m looking forward to your reply.


    Craig Grant


    The only mention of the default-template.php file in the Themer’s Guide was for ‘the-events-calendar’: http://cl.ly/1G2m1Q1Z3b01

    Is there a different set of documentation for Pro than there is for the regular version because the only one I have only seen 1. If there is a different/separate guide please provide a link to it, otherwise provide me a path to find the default-template.php file because as i have stated even in the /pro folder structure I am not finding it.


    If you want me to look into it further, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this. If it doesn’t, please leave your site in this state so we can take a look.
    My previous question was what are my next steps/options here. If I need to follow up with the theme provider to please give me details what they would need to address. If it is on Tribe, can you please provide a link to the Testing for Conflicts Guide because again I am not seeing where this is.


    Maybe Testing for Conflicts will assist here too.


    Sorry for any communication differences we’re having.

    The Testing for Conflicts Guide is linked in my previous reply, but here it is again: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/testing-for-conflicts/

    Once your site is set to just our plugins with a default WordPress theme (like TwentySixteen) and none of your theme overrides or custom code in place, then we can try assisting from that point forward.

    Once we get things working on TwentySixteen how you desire (e.g. customized widget output), then you can activate your own theme again and see if it does conflict in some way.

    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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