Venue showing at lat/long 0 on events page, but correct on venue page

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Venue showing at lat/long 0 on events page, but correct on venue page

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    I’m trying to get ECPro working on a new site and have an issue with a venue displaying at Lat/Long 0 on the events list page

    But it is correct on the individual event & venue page

    I only have 2 events & 2 locations at this stage

    The Google Maps API key is new as of today and appears to work without issues.

    Your assistance would be appreciated.


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Can you take a screenshot of what this event/venue looks like on the backend, so that I can try to replicate things on my end?

    In the meantime,let’s try to rule out if there is some type of conflict at play.
    This is usually because of:

    • A conflict with another plugin
    • A conflict with your WordPress theme
    • A template customization for the Events Calendar that requires updating

    When it comes to that type of issue, it is preferable to troubleshoot in a staging environment if you have one.

    A first quick test is to simply temporarily revert back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if the issue persists.

    The next step would be to go through our testing for conflicts procedure and let us know what you find out.

    Basically the goal here is to revert back to a bare WordPress installation to see if the problem persists. It also allows us to pinpoint what the cause of the issue is.

    But, before you do that, there are 2 things I would advise:

    • Make a backup of your database
    • Consider activating a “Maintenance Page” plugin if you are doing this on your live site (to minimize impact on your visitors)

    Let me know how that goes!





    This reply is private.


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for that information.  I’m not able to replicate this issue using the venues you provided, as they appear properly on the map on my test site.

    If you go to Events Settings < General, do you see any button to Fix Venue Data?  If so, please click that button.

    If that doesn’t resolve the issue, can you try deleting the venue and recreating it?

    Let me know if that helps!





    Hi Jaime,

    I have no idea what is going on that makes my install different to
    The “Fix Venue Data” option is not available.

    For further testing I deleted the website and installed wordpress from
    scratch. The front end map view however is still showing the issue.
    I have identified that the map view only works when I manually specify a
    latitude and longitude on a venue.

    Bunch of information relating to the site below
    List of installed plugins –
    List of installed themes –

    After installing WordPress & Event Calendar I set the Google Maps API
    key in the events calendar settings. All other settings are default.
    I then created 2 venues
    No Lat/Long –
    With lat/long –

    I then created events using the venues
    No Lat/Long –
    With Lat/Long –

    This results in the following front end views
    List view ( –
    Map view ( –
    Venue no lat/long ( –
    Venue with lat/long
    ( –

    I have recreated the user account previously mentioned.

    You assistance is appreciated,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by kayosdesign.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by kayosdesign.

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for going through all of that testing and providing all of that information.

    It seems that the venues work, as long as longitude and latitude are specified.  Is this correct?

    As I mentioned, I tried the same venues that you previously listed and could not replicate the issue that you were experiencing.

    In any case, it seems that you have found a workaround so that the venues will show up.  Did you need any further assistance troubleshooting?

    Let me know!





    Hi jaime,

    Manually adding latitude and longitude value is not a viable work around.
    It is an indication of where something is going wrong.

    I understand that it works on your system, however I need to know what the
    difference is between that and mine are.

    Why is a stock installation of WordPress and the event calendar plugin not
    Have you tried it on my system? Did it work for you?
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Is it a configuration issue?
    Is there any way to get more information as to where the are going wrong?


    Sent from a mobile device.
    Please excuse any misspellings or odd punctuation due to autocorrect.


    This reply is private.


    This reply is private.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by kayosdesign. Reason: fixing typo

    Hi Dave,

    Hm okay, that is interesting.  That may be a viable solution for now, however in the next month, Google will be removing all keyless map access, so an API Key will be required.

    Can you try setting up a new Google Maps API Key and see if that helps?

    Let me know if that helps!





    Hi Jaime,

    I was using a newly generated API key, however I regenerated the API key
    following the instructions and the issue still exists.

    Without an API Key set, I did get the error message saying that I had
    reached the daily limit when adding new test venues.
    After this error appeared, the button in the Settings – General area to
    fix the venues was available. However, using that option did not correct
    the issue.

    Tests were conducted an hour after making changes to the API Key. Google
    suggests that changes will take 5 minutes at most to take effect.



    Screen shot of API settings attached.


    Hi Dave,

    Are you still seeing one event at 0 0, with a Google Maps API key activated on your site?  if so, is it always at the same location or does it not make a difference if you change the venue address?

    Could you please go to your wp-admin and while editing a venue see if the latitude and longitude fields are filled in? You can discover those fields by clicking the ‘Use latitude + longitude’ checkbox.

    If they show up empty, then please try saving the venue again with the ‘Use latitude + longitude’ option unchecked, and see if the coordinates get filled in.

    Let me know if that helps!






    Hi Jaime,

    Venues added with the API Key set still fail to appear on the map view.

    Venue defined without the api key
    Venue defined with an api key
    Both venues have the same street address defined.

    Map view –
    Only one event is displayed on the map view.

    As the amount of time spent trying to resolve this issue has now
    exceeded my budget I am working around it by disabling the map view and
    hoping that a future update will start working correctly.



    Hi Dave,

    I’m sorry to hear that.  Please note that this thread will self-close in three weeks, but feel free to open a new thread (and reference this one) if/when you decide to re-address the issue.

    Let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime!




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