Translation of venue country

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  • #1253559


    I followed your documentation instructions ( to use WPML with events calendar.

    Now, for the venues it is possible to set the localized city name in the respective language’s venue post. For the country, it always shows the English list of countries. Also on the front-end it displays the English country name.

    How can this be translated?


    Hi Martin,

    Welcome back to the forums. šŸ™‚ Thanks for reaching out, Iā€™d love to help you here.

    First of all, I’m so sorry that you’re having issues with translating some strings with WPML! That has to be frustrating.

    The good news is that you’re definitely not alone. We have been able to reproduce this on our end, which probably means that this output is not being registered as a WPML translatable string. Previously, my colleague, Geoff, opened a ticket to make sure this gets addressed. Unfortunately, we’re not able to commit to a release date for a fix, though this is in the queue to get addressed with a future version.

    Additionally, I think you may find Geoff’s suggestion for working around this, in this similar thread helpful for your particular issue.

    Let me know if I can be of more help here or clarify anything in that resource I linked to!


    Shelby ?


    Hi Shelby,

    Thanks for sharing the link. However, Geoff’s suggestion is a link to a WPML forum thread explaining conditional language shortcodes. I don’t see how that should work for translating the country strings?

    Can you please explain detailed and provide a proper code snippet?



    Hi Martin,

    I know work arounds can be super frustrating, but thanks for hanging in there with us! Perhaps that recommendation wasn’t the best fit for your particular situation since you’re not selectively listing just a few countries as that user was.

    I’ve pulled in some other members of our team on this thread, and in order to better help you with what might be causing the issue in the first place, I was wondering if we could get a few pieces of information?:

    • Current System Information
    • Current Events Calendar Pro version number
    • Current WordPress version number
    • A link to your website
    • Exact steps for replication of the issue

    Once we have this information, we should be able to make progress toward a specific recommendation for your situation.

    Thanks again for your patience here!


    Shelby šŸ™‚


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    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

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    Geoff B.

    Good evening Mister,

    I have some good news.
    Until we officially fix this properly, you could use the following workaround from another one of our customers:Ā

    This will essentially make sure that you can set the values to your liking and resume translation of the countries.

    Let me know how that goes.

    Best regards,
    Geoff B.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team



    Happy to share with you that a new maintenance release (for the Week of 22th January 2018) is out, including a fix for this issue.

    Find out more about this release ā†’

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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