Single Category Calendar View

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    I am currently trying to create a calendar on a page that only shows one category for the entire calendar. I’ve used the shortcode [tribe_events category=”youth-calendar” view=”month”] which works great for the current month. However when I click to go to the next month, it populates the calendar with all of my events.

    Is there a way to have it only show one category indefinitely?


    Hey Nick,

    Welcome back! I attempted to reproduce the behavior, but my calendar seems to be holding the category after navigating to the next and previous months. Can you please review our Testing for conflicts guide and reply back with your findings? It would also be helpful if you included your System Information as a private reply.

    Thank you and have a great rest of your weekend. Cheers!


    I just ended up placing the specific category calendar in place of the pages that I wanted. Thank you for your reply!


    Glad to hear you’ve got things working out for the time being! Feel free to open a new thread if anything else comes up and have a great upcoming weekend!

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