Refunds for Shared Capacity Tickets

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  • #1547193

    The Documentation for issuing refunds is somewhat confusing.

    We’re using WooCommerce as our e-commerce solution. If I issue a refund for a Shared Capacity ticket through WooCommerce, the stock is correctly added back into the pool. This is not the case for Event Tickets Plus. I have to manually delete the ticket/attendee record from the Attendees page for the event. In the documentation it states:

    Note: Since Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus 4.6, deleting an attendee record automatically increases the ticket capacity. So you should take this into account when using WooCommerce, as it offers the option to restock the product when processing refunds.

    I don’t understand what this implies – does ETP automatically increase the number of tickets available to compensate for the refunded/deleted tickets (ie, if original shared capacity was 16 and 1 ticket is refunded/deleted, does the capacity increase to 17?) Or does ETP simply adjust the appropriate shared capacity meta fields (ie, _tribe_ticket_global_stock_level,_tribe_progressive_ticket_current_number,_tribe_ticket_capacity)?
    In either case, I’m not seeing this work correctly. After deleting a ticket/attendee record after issuing a refund, the event correctly no longer shows any orders or attendees, but the capacity hasn’t changed and the ticket stock is still down one (see screenshot).

    Honestly, what I’d expect to happen when issuing a refund/cancellation is that Event Tickets Plus would automatically either delete the ticket or put it in a ‘refunded’/unusable state (and adjust stock levels correctly). However, even if we need to manually go in and delete a ticket after issuing a refund, I would certainly expect the plugin to handle adjusting the stock levels correctly.
    I would appreciate any help with this.


    Hi Joshua,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    I know that this process can be confusing!  To simplify, when you refund an order, you do have to manually update the capacity and decide what to do with your attendees.

    You can increase the capacity manually in your Edit Event page where you edit your ticket.  That message that you quoted is in place to tell you that you will receive a warning (red exclamation) when things don’t match up, so that you can manually make those changes.

    Let me know if you need any further clarification on this issue!





    Hi Jaime,

    Thanks for the response.

    Is there a reason why the plugin doesn’t handle resetting stock levels when refunding or cancelling a ticket? This seems like a pretty basic function to me. Having to adjust capacity numbers is not a solution that I find acceptable. If I need to write a custom function to do this I will, but I’d just like to make sure there’s not some issue that would prevent it from working.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Joshua,

    We have left this functionality the way that it is intentionally, in order to give our users the ability to make choices on restocking on their own.

    If you’d like to write a custom function for this, I don’t foresee any issue that would prevent it from working.

    You can also add this idea to our Feature Requests, as we tend to implement ideas based on customer feedback, so your input is greatly appreciated:

    Let me know if you have any other questions!





    I have the same problem but it only seems to effect tickets with shared capacity. The inventory is adjusted correctly and automatically with events that only have 1 ticket type so the feature does exist for ETP. It makes no sense to me that events that have multiple ticket types and shared capacity would not work the same way. I view this as a bug.


    Hi Kathy,

    Can you please open up a separate thread so that we can provide you with individualized attention for your issue?

    Once there, as a first troubleshooting step, could you please provide us with your complete system information in a private reply using the instructions found in the following link?





    Great, thank you!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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