No import at all from ical since today

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator No import at all from ical since today

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    we run an event aggregator pro since two months and Facebook we know is not working. We discover that using Ical importer with the whole events feed of a Facebook user, your plugin seems to work and import “something”. Title, location, date and time, but NOT description, as a known bug during past days. Since today that bug was solved as you mentioned in the Status page, but we’re not able to import nothing anymore now… the plugin freeze completely for hours, also coming back in wordpress dashboard hours later it’s still freeze trying to import events but nothing happen. How can we solve this? We were able to import everything but no description, now we’re stuck 🙁

    Thank u



    Hi Eugenio,

    Unfortunately, due to recent changes announced by Facebook, there are now severe restrictions on what we can import from that platform. We have tried to email as many affected customers as possible about this and have also made the following resources available:

    In all other regards Event Aggregator remains fully functional and you will still be able to import from Google Calendar, Meetup and iCal sources. In fact, in some cases – as detailed in the above knowledgebase article – you may still be able to import events from Facebook, but this has certainly become more limited than it was previously.

    The reality is that this is largely out of our hands, though we’re continuing to monitor and will adapt as best we can so we can continue to provide you with a meaningful import capability.



    But it worked, as you see in the picture, until July 12th, then nothing…. we haven’t changed anything!


    Hi there,

    That looks like an iCalendar import so may be something different. Are you exporting the events from Facebook and them importing them somewhere first?

    Also, can you send me a screenshot of Events > Help > Event Aggregator Status?



    We just picked the entire url from Facebook’s events of a single user: they represent events where FB user choose to Partecipate. This url is in ical format, so we used directly in Events Aggregator but nothing happens since July 12th…


    Hi there,

    If you are just importing an ical then there may be a conflict somewhere.Can you also try testing for conflicts with your theme and other plugins? If you would prefer not to do this on your live site, WP Staging will let you create a quick copy of your live site that you can use for testing. Let me know what you find!


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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