Missing month header, missing tooltip, missing date – no venue up front

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  • #950653

    Thanks George,
    That’s the same code – I place it in single-event.php, right?

    Anyway, it’s not making a difference…strange that is was ok before so shouldn’t be a custom job should it?

    Yoga Class @ Irish Immigration Pastoral Center

    Thanks again


    Hi Catherine,

    It is not the same code, it is very slightly different and uses an ID selector instead of a Class selector.

    Most importantly: do NOT add this to single-event.php. Please place that code at the bottom of your theme’s style.css file – remove any remnants of it from single-event.php.


    Hi George
    So I added that code and padding has been fixed …now I see the tooltip only appears on March …ideas?

    That may have been the case since the tooltip came back – as maybe I didn’t check other months when it was fixed, so not necessarily a result of this added code, in other words.

    Another question – will I need to add this if I update my theme?


    Hi Catherine,

    I went back to your site and didn’t notice the overflow: visible; CSS I shared previously present on your site, so to ensure that Tooltips show up regardless of what month you are in, please add and keep the following the CSS at the very bottom of your theme’s style.css file – do not add it to any other file, or remove it, just go to the bottom of the file, and add this exact code:

    div.hentry.vevent.type-tribe_events {
        overflow: visible !important;

    I added this and tried paging through “next” and “Previous” months, and though this CSS may look similar to other CSS I’ve shared here, it is slightly different – and should work for you. It worked very well for me.

    Please add it and let us know what you find.


    As for updating things, if you update your theme, yes, you will need to manually re-add this CSS to the bottom of your theme’s style.css. There are other options you can do that would leave the CSS intact regardless of theme updates, but I think the best step is to first get this all resolved and then look into these other options.

    Let us know if this CSS helps.



    Hi George,

    I have not dared to go back to the “getting venue to show in tooltip” issue – but will as soon as everything else is fixed. The padding is now good in individual events, but still not in week lists etc., see

    – should I add that same code somewhere else?



    and the “day” view too till padding-less!


    Hey Catherine,

    You can extend the padding styles to events by adding even more custom CSS like this:

    div.hentry.vevent.type-tribe_events {
        padding: 2em;

    Tweak that as needed.

    Just to underscore the nature of this issue: there are no issues here.

    In other words, nothing about The Events Calendar was broken. Some text wasn’t showing up based on your date options being empty, but other than that, every single thing here is a customization request.

    Your theme is dictating the padding on your events, whether in Day or List or Week view or anything.

    Your theme was preventing the tooltips from showing up.

    I’ve mentioned using debug tools on your own several times by now, and will yet again: for further CSS tweaks on your site, check out the tools I mentioned above: get and learn to use Firebug if you use FireFox, or the Developer Tools for either Safari or Chrome. They’re all free and come with an Inspector tool that’s quite handy in making these customizations yourself as you see fit.

    We cannot provide any more support for customizations for your site.

    As for the tooltips solution, I think Gustavo’s original solution actually will work fine, now that we’ve corrected the problem coming from your theme.

    For further customization assistance, your best option is to hire a web developer and/or use the tools mentioned above. If you’re interested in a list of freelance developers we recommend, email us at [email protected] for the list and we can send it from there.



    Thank you for getting me back on track – as in back to where I was with the out-of-box calendar.

    Although I still don’t understand why these issues came up in the first place, or why they persisted even when I used another theme (as well documented in past posts – indicating not a theme issue) The tooltip and padding for instance was there at the start (maybe it’s just my lack of knowledge but didn’t know there could be theme or other conflicts showing up, even after they appeared ok in the first place – in other words my request for padding was not a tall order/customization, but I’m sorry to cause you grief over this all the same.

    I just want to be clear: I purchased a calendar, a calendar pro, and a then a community calendar. My only “simple” question two months ago was why could one not see the venue on the listing – a simple question, and obvious requirement of any calendar – but that turned into bigger issues (as well as intimidation by your crew)

    I’m ok to be back at square one, but I’d just like you to understand I never had any requirements for customization (tooltip, padding etc.,) as they were out-of-box features.

    Bottom line is, if you had a venue show up in calendar listings (the number two requirement after the date, even more important than the time) none of this would have happened. I wasn’t asking for a lot, nor did I expect any kind of customization. Once again, when I reverted to other themes problems persisted – so not my theme.

    You can close this thread now, and let’s be done with this (and I’ll live without a venue, and will add it manually as I have been – and the lost padding here and there I will figure out although it was perfect once – and still the same in other themes) but just for your records, apart from your helpful fixes recently I did not really have helpful advice (what was all this code additions to tribe events php files for instance to get header/tooltip back – if it was a .css issue?)

    I never subscribed to this as a developer, and that’s what was expected of me – for very basic things.

    Thank you for your help

    Anyway, thanks George – I appreciate your help.


    Hi Catherine,

    Here’s your original issue as reported in this forum thread:

    I set up my calendars without a problem, until I realized there was no venue showing on the listings (not an unusual request considering it’s a calendar and that would be the second thing a person would look for after the date….the response your end was you don’t want to make things cluttered) This was not an unreasonable thing to expect out of the box. Three times I got the same code to add to remedy this. Didn’t work.

    Piece by piece:

    1. “I set up my calendars without a problem […]” – your calendar worked fine out-of-the-box, none of our code was broken.

    2. “[…] until I realized there was no venue showing on the listings” – this is not a default feature of the plugin. So Gustavo wrote code for you to enable this.

    3. “This was not an unreasonable thing to expect out of the box. Three times I got the same code to add to remedy this. Didn’t work.” – So on several occasions we did our best to help you, and offer custom code, which is technically outside the scope of the support forums.

    As for that “Didn’t work.” sentence there, after thousands of words of trying to nail down the source of the problem from us, we figured out that the code Gustavo recommended did work, but that CSS from your own theme was preventing any tooltips from showing up. Then I fixed that for you. Your own words in response to that:

    Yay George – I added that CSS to style.css – and ta da, tooltip’s back

    Your padding issues and tooltips issues were and are from your theme, and we still offered custom CSS to fix those issues. Likewise, the Venues-in-tooltips customization is, well, a customization – and we still wrote that for you. I’m sorry we couldn’t provide any further support at this time.

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