Language problems

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  • #971755
    Ole Vadum Dahl

    I have search for this before adding this ticket with no result, so…

    After upgrading The Event Calendar today the language has changed to Danish and English (Danglish 🙂
    What has happened? I have checked the po file which is okay but it’s as if the plugin does not connect to the Danish po file anymore.

    Ex: Upcoming begivenheder…???? It should be “Kommende begivenheder”. Look at

    And it’s the same with “The Events Calendar Woocommerce Tickets

    Thank you
    ID Academy


    I have the exact same problem!


    Hey Ole and Joel,

    I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing these problems. Our update to 3.10 included lots of great new features, but one thing that is a result of so many changes is that some of the translation files are out of date.

    The good news is that we have an all-new translations site at – check that out for any plugin that you need to translate, and if you want to download fresh translation from there, simply go to the bottom of the page for the language and find the “Export” links. You’ll want to download both a .mo file and a .po file, then install them in your site in place of the original .mo and .po files you find in the /lang/ folder of The Events Calendar and Events PRO.

    If you find that the translations are out of date, then you sign up for a translator account (for free) and submit translations for individual strings. We’ve just launched a whole new process for translations and have two write-ups for it here:

    And here:

    Two things to note are:

    1 – You do not have to submit an entire translation, you can just submit translations for individual strings. Even if it’s just one string, or something like a spelling correction, it all helps!

    2 – Your submitted strings will be saved as “suggestions”, and not immediately included in a translation file for export until an administrator approves them. This may seem like a limitation, but it just helps us ensure nobody comes along and deletes translations or adds spam or something to them. Your suggestions will be approved very promptly.

    I hope the information here brings you up to speed on our new translations site – let us know if it does, or if you have any other questions or concerns! 🙂

    Thank you!

    Ole Vadum Dahl

    Sorry, this has no effect at all.

    I can see that the new language files are called events-pro-da. The old ones are called tribe-events-calendar-da.
    And the directory for this plugin that I have on the server is called /plugins/the-events-calendar/lang/

    I have the licens key activated, so what is wrong here? Could you please help?

    Webmaster at ID Academy (Ole Vadum Dahl)


    Hi there,

    I’m having exactly the same problem as Ole. Your language files now have different names (e.g. ‘the-events-calendar-nl.po’ instead of ‘tribe-events-calendar-nl.po’ and even if I rename them, they don’t work…

    Could you please fix this? I know have English words all over my calendar and I can’t do anything about it…

    Thanks ; )


    Hi Ole,

    I’m not quite sure what you mean by your reply – if you have The Events Calendar and Events Calendar PRO, then you will need to to export .mo and .po files for both plugins and add them to the /lang/ files for each plugin.

    License keys will not make an impact on these issues.

    If the Danish translation is still missing some translations, then the exports will not fix that problem at this time, but we are working on approving the translations that get submitted as fast possible.

    — George

    Ole Vadum Dahl

    I know that thank you. I only have the following plugins:
    The Events Calendar
    The Events Calendar: Woocommerce Tickets
    The Events Calendar Shortcode
    The Events Calendar Widget

    I have looked at the languages files inside Poedit and the translation seems fine. As I wrote the new language files that you refer to do not have the same “names” as the old ones.

    The thing about the licens key was only to make sure that this is not the problem 🙂

    It’s as if The Events Calendar does not connect to the language files anymore. The translation seems okay, so why is this still not working?

    I have only updated The Events Calendar and now it does not work?

    Hope you understand what I mean ? 🙂

    Kind regards,
    Gert / Ole
    ID Academy


    I have exactly the same issue and I found out that’s not from language file or translations. It’s all about coding.

    In Ole example : ” Upcoming begivenheder…???? It should be “Kommende begivenheder” , the word “begivenheder” comes from tribe_get_event_label_plural() function returning the word from “URL slug Events”
    The translation won’t ever work, because “Upcoming events”, text to be translated into “Kommende begivenheder”, does not exists any more. Even if you revert to “events” instead “begivenheder” the function result won’t change.

    My site it’s all messed up with non-sense combinations of english and romanian words. Above all, in Romanian language the order of words is different. Even if I manage somehow to translate “Upcoming” in the above example “Urmatoare evenimente” has no sense in Romanian. It should be “Evenimente urmatoare” (urmatoare = upcoming, evenimente = events).

    I see only two solutions: revert to 3.9.3 or manually erase all tribe_get_event_label_plural() and tribe_get_event_label_single() from all plugin files and replace them with appropriate english words. Neither of them seems resonable…

    Is there anything else we can do?

    Regards, Sorin

    Ole Vadum Dahl

    Sorry to hear Sorin. Yes, there must be a way to solve this issue.

    Do you have a solution, George, please? This is really a huge problem.

    Kind regards,


    I have the same issue … but Modern Tribe seems very quiet on helping us


    Hey @pedarthe,

    I’ve been very vocal in that thread helping you and we are not being quiet about this. We are working very hard to bring every one up-to-speed here!

    Let’s all review the problem as it stands right now – all of your collective patience is greatly appreciated, but hopefully the following review of things will give us all a better sense of the changes here and how we are trying very very hard to help:

    Translations Break on Every Update

    This is a known problem with any plugin or theme update, and even WordPress Core updates. When code changes, that means the strings within the code change, too. This renders translations that were made before the update unusable, or at least with problems like having only some words translated while other words remain in English.

    Our New Translation System Solves this Faster

    Yes, it has been a bit of time since the 3.10 update and we’re still working on bringing translations up-to-date. But this is still faster than with our original methods – we have to rely on community members to help with translations, since we don’t speak every language here at Modern Tribe, so regardless of the method we have to accept translations from the community to include them in the plugin.

    The old method required everyone who wanted to submit a translation to translate every string in the language, then submit manually via the forum, then have us review the entire translation one at a time and then make other updates to the plugin to share them with others!

    Now, you can contribute just a word or two, and once translations are approved, people can just go to the translations site and export .mo and .po files any time they want.

    Translation files are broken for you because the translation is out of date

    If the files you’re using don’t seem to translate everything, then it’s just because of the problem I mentioned above: updates break translations, and your language has not been fully converted yet.

    We’re manually approving translations to ensure that your language is converted

    To address the problem of broken translation files, we’re accepting translations. We are receiving many and have to manually approve them to ensure quality and prevent common sources of breakage.

    Hopefully this breakdown gives everyone a better sense of where things stand. If your language’s translation files aren’t working, it’s because they’re out of date still, at this time. We are working to approve submissions for each language as fast as possible. It’s better than the old system, faster too, but I understand all of your frustrations with the delays. We take your time and your websites seriously and are working on approving translations as fast as possible.

    Thank you immensely for your patience with us as we update everything!



    Hello again George

    I solved my issue by downgrading The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar Pro to 3.9.3 version… and I will wait the next release and make tests before using it.

    Best regards


    Thanks Pascal.

    For everyone on this thread, please stay tuned to this ticket while work on approving translations.



    George, I appreciate all the efforts you (and the rest of the team) are doing and I (and probably all of us, having the same problem) do understood from the first time what you are saying (with capital letters) about translation files.
    Still, there is another issue that neither you, nor Geoff in the other thread, are answering – the CODING issue generating apparently random mixing of english and translated words.

    Maybe I wasn’t clear so I’ll try to put it again, in a example, with French language this time:
    In General Settings, Events URL Slug would be “ÉvĂ©nements” and Single event Url Slug “ÉvĂ©nement”. Ok?

    Now let’s look at how some strings and french translation of them are looking in 3.9.3:
    Recurring Event = Événement réccurent
    Related Events = Événements apparentés

    PHP in 3.10 is looking like this:
    sprintf( __( ‘Recurring %s’, ‘tribe-events-calendar-pro’ ), tribe_get_event_label_singular() );
    sprintf( __( ‘Related %s’, ‘tribe-events-calendar-pro’ ), tribe_get_event_label_plural() );

    So, without translating, it will return frenglish (and that’s what a lot of users are claiming):
    Recurring Événement
    Related Événements

    And translating (in po file) ‘Recurring %s’ into ‘RĂ©ccurent %s’ and ‘Related %s’ into ‘ApparentĂ©s %s’ we will get a wrong French words order, which is not acceptable either:
    Réccurent Événement
    Apparentés Événements

    Finnaly I got to a solution on my own. Maybe it’s known but I didn’t knew it. It involves a little effort but it works for me.
    This is eliminating %s from translation so the “tribe_get_event_label_…” functions get ignored and replacing the word(s) with whole translated expression. So in po file it will look like this:
    Recurring %s = Événement réccurent (instead Réccurent %s)
    Related %s = Événements apparentés (instead Related %s)
    It has to be done, for both plugins, “The Events Calendar” and “Events Calendar Pro” after the complete translation of po file (downloaded from , not the original one) for every expression with incorrect word order.

    All the best.


    Related %s = Événements apparentés (instead Apparentés%s)

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