Broken translations after v. 3.10

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    We updated our version of The Events Calendar but just after we noticed that there were some terms that went back to English. I know that we can translate this strings again, but that doesn’t make sense if the languages are already embedded on your plugin. We tried different ways with WPML but couldn’t drop the issue.

    You can check our current version here:

    And see the different with the correct language terms on our old dev site:



    glad to see that the issue is a common one. Our german translation looks like a “denglish”-mixture after the update (upcoming Veranstaltungen instead of “Anstehende Veranstaltungen”).
    So please, fix that issue soon cause we are unable to advertise our “event planner” as a serious planning tool for the social organisations at our town.


    Hi folks, thanks for getting in touch!

    The latest version of the plugin (3.10) does indeed contain a number of new strings that did not existing in past versions. That said, we fully rely on submissions from the community to keep our translations as updated as possible. You can how complete each language is here.

    In the meantime, here’s the process for updating and submitting language files for the plugin–we do offer free licenses for submissions that get included in upcoming releases. šŸ™‚

    Thanks again for reaching out and I hope this help!



    Hi Geoff,

    the Problem isn’t a missing translation for one or two new strings but rather the fact that the update caused a mess at the output of existing pairs of already translated strings.

    There are more complaints caused by this issue even at the public WP Support Forum for your plugin as I could see.

    So please stick up with that problem again . We do need a quick solution.



    Hi again Geoff,

    I’ve checked the german po-file with poedit. The translation for ex. “Upcoming events”->”Anstehenhende Veranstaltungen” exits and is quite okay but the plugin calendar says: “Upcoming Veranstaltungen”!!! I hope that I could make my point clear enough.



    HeyĀ Bernd, thanks so much for the clarification–I really appreciate that!

    It does indeed look like we encountered a mix-up on our initial launch of our translations site where a few languages were transposed with others. That has since been fixed and the corrected translations are available now.

    I should also point out that there is a newĀ process for translations and have two write-ups for it here:

    And here:

    Two things to note are:

    • You do not have to submit an entire translation, you can just submit translations for individual strings. Even if it’s just one string, or something like a spelling correction, it all helps!
    • Your submitted strings will be saved as “suggestions”, and not immediately included in a translation file for export until an administrator approves them. This may seem like a limitation, but it just helps us ensure nobody comes along and deletes translations or adds spam or something to them. Your suggestions will be approved very promptly.

    I hope the information here brings you up to speed on our new translations site ā€“ let us know if it does, or if you have any other questions or concerns! I do hope you will use it to update the translations that were brought up here so we can work to push those out to the community at large. šŸ™‚



    My problem is something like “in” or “from” that went back to English. It seems that this comes from the Events Calendar version and not the Pro, that seems to be ok on the translated terms. Have you check my links above? You can clearly check the situation there.



    HiĀ casasbrancas! Yes, I definitely have checked the links and do see exactly what you mean. In some cases, there could be new or changed strings in the files that were bundled with the core version of The Events Calendar. And in other cases, those language files may have been transposed.

    I would encourage you to try downloading the latest translations from this site and checking again. If the translation is off, perhaps you would be willing to contribute an update to those instances? That is the quickest way to make us aware of the changes and we can approve and publish them from there. šŸ™‚



    The same issue was discussed here with no real resolution.

    As I pointed out there it’s a coding problem generated by the new functions tribe_get_event_label_plural() and tribe_get_event_label_single() that won’t be solved by translations.

    I don’t understand why MT Support does not tell that and keep talking about translations. NO translation will ever work on 3.10! Probably only in languages that have the same word order you can get to something close to a real translation… You have to revert to 3.9.3 or wait for another release.


    I have the same issue … but Modern Tribe seems very quiet on helping us


    Please Where can I find the Events Calendar 3.9.3 version ? (no problem to download the The Events Calendar Pro 3.9.3 on my “download page”)


    You can find it here.
    I had downgraded to 3.9.3 and translations are fine now.

    There are a lot of users with same issue on too šŸ™

    I quess MT are so quiet because they doesn’t have any solutions. They have to rethink all coding structure and that’s not an easy thing to do. I wouldn’t be in them shoes šŸ™


    Thank you very much Sorin.

    I downgraded t0 3.9.3 and it’s OK now.

    Best regards


    My production sites already have been downgraded to 3.9.3 last weekend. Any new version in future will go to a test site first.
    What bothers us about the direct support email answers and the answers at the board? It is the attempt to answer in stereotypes (despite sounding polite) and the bitter feeling that our complaints are not taken seriously.
    I also guess that the programmers have to rethink all coding structure and thatā€™s not an easy job for them.
    Eventhough they should make a simple statement like: we see the problem and we will work on a solution.



    Hi folks,

    IĀ can tell from the varied voices in here (as well as here) that there is a lot of frustration around translations since 3.10. I do appreciate your patience as we try to sort this all out together, but do also ask that we try to keep the tone civil and productive.

    The original question in this thread is indeed about translations.Ā There were a number of new and changed strings in 3.10 that did not exist in 3.9.3 and below. As a result, translations are certain to be at least somewhat out of date since there was a change in the collective codebase. So, just to be clear, the issue we’re looking at here is outdated translation files that need to be updated. This is even true for plural and singular strings–you will want to update the files for those languages to see correct translations across the board.

    That said, I want to give you a rundown of what we are doing to try to make the translation process much smoother for everyone:

    • We’ve created a new site dedicated solely to translations for all of our plugins. This site will show you the current accuracy of all available language files for The Events Calendar and its add-ons. Before this, there was really no transparency between what translations were compatible with the plugin and, if there were any, how complete they were. This makes it much easier to see which translations exist and whether they still need any work.
    • We’re accepting contributions through this site, so if you see anything at all that is out of date or irrelevant, then you can submit that changes directly there. Translations used to require editing .po and .mo files yourself and submitting them to us for consideration, at which point they would be packaged for a future release. Now, those submissions can be made for individual strings directly on the new site.
    • We’re approving the submissions manually. Each new submission to the site will be reviewed and approved by our team. Once approved (which should happen in a matter of days instead of weeks), the new files can be instantly downloaded from the site and imported into your site with the newly translated files.

    I realize our communicationĀ about this process has been pretty poor–at best–and I want to apologize for that. We’re working on new Knowledgebase articles to help break it down even further and I hope that, at the end of the day, this will make the translation process much easier and faster for everyone.

    If your language files are not working (e.g. you’re seeing broken translations) then that means the translation files are out of date.Ā We’re working in approving new translations via the site as fast as we can and we really appreciate your patience while we do–we also appreciate any submissions you contribute to the site to help us release better translations faster.

    I hope this helps clear things up as far as where translations are at in 3.10 andĀ the process for how to resolve any translations-related issues we might be seeing here. Thanks again for working with us through this–including your collaboration and contributions to make translations in The Events Calendar better while we approve them as fast as possible.


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