Keeping orders together on Attendee List

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  • #1225178

    Hi There,

    Hoping you can help!

    Our questions is about orders that have more than one ticket, for example we have partners who book tickets for our shows, they often book large quantities like 30 – 50.

    The issue we are facing is on the attnedee list we view, instead of seeing the one name and say 30 tickets, we are seeing 30 individual lines for the same order.

    Ideally we would like this to show as one order and one attendee on the list, so when checking in to the show, our partner would arrive and we would check in the 30 tickets under his one name (i.e we would not want to check them all in indivifually)

    Is ther eany help you can give us on this please?



    Hi, James.

    I’ve had someone else ask this recently too. Please view that thread and let me know if you have any follow-up questions here.

    Thank you.


    Thanks Cliff,

    We will take a look at these.

    Looks like what we are trying to achieve, I.e have one group person and a quantity of tickets on display in the attendee list.

    In your post you mention about not have having other tickets for the same show? I’m not sure why this is mentioned?

    Each show we have had about 6 ticket options

    Thanks for your help



    Well the code snippet I provided targets any and all tickets on all events… so if you have 6 ticket types (say they’re all WooCommerce tickets) and you force the quantity of each to be 1 and make them readonly (unable to be edited), it’s going to make the user add 6 separate tickets to their cart–not what you or they want.

    You could use the code I provided as a start toward the customization you want for yourself.


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    James, my best idea for this–to only ask the Attendee Meta Information once per reservation of a bulk quantity–would be custom coding.

    If others are interested in such functionality too, we might be able to author an Extension for this, or add it to the core Event Tickets Plus add-on if not possible via an Extension.

    Any Extension of modification to the core plugin code that we would make likely wouldn’t be accomplished soon.

    If you need some coding help, you may want to ask your developer or reference our documentation and list of known customizers.

    Please let me know how this goes for you and share your thoughts. I’m particularly curious to know your thoughts about handling unique QR codes per ticket if such functionality would be implemented. In other words, we could display only the first ticket in the bulk-30 purchase/reservation (grouped by Order ID) but then the “Check-In” button would be hidden per ticket, should you need to use that functionality in addition.

    I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.


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    I noticed your quantity selectors only allow quantities of zero or one (short video).

    I also noticed a console error at your site whenever the quantity is changed:
    (If needed, you may reference our KB article Using Google Chrome Developer Tools.)

    Please tell me how you have these tickets setup (e.g. screenshot editing one of the tickets on this event’s wp-admin edit screen).

    Also, your request seems to be different from others’ because you are not using Attendee Meta Information fields.

    I’ll see if we can put together something for you and reply back here when I know for sure.



    Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for your reply. please see below in response to your questions.

    We are using plugin “Event Tickets Plus” for managing the tickets and there is no issue in selecting the ticket quantity and adding them to basket. The reason you were allowed to enter only 0 or 1 was the stock of that event. Currently we have only 1 ticket left in the stock so you were unable to add more.

    The main thinng is, If admin check for the Attendees from the Admin (Events => Edit Event => View Attendees). Then it’s currently listing each ticket individually rather than mentioning the quantity along with the order.

    when i did r&d on the same topic, I found something :

    So i guess it’s working as expected. But can we have it to show quantity instead of listing them individually? This would be alot easier for us, as a typical occurence would be one of our partners booking 30 tickets to an event, and then to check them in we would not want to do it 30 times, just once would be our preference.




    James, I worked hard on this for you and others:

    See our Extension Installation Instructions and this 40 second video of how this should work.

    Then, please give it a shot yourself and let me know how it works for you.


    Hi, the video at the link doesn’t work. Is it possible to update/fix it? I’d really like to see how this extension is supposed to work!
    Thank you!


    Sorry, the video should work now. Cloudapp was down during the Amazon S3 outage but it’s working again now I think. I hope it works for you…

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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