Invalid sold tickets count!

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Invalid sold tickets count!

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  • #1213367
    Shadi Habbal


    I have already started this discussion in the WordPress support forums, but since I am entitled for a premium support, I wanted shorter response time; hence, asking the question again here.

    I am using the latest version of the plugin (actually all my plugins are latest versions), and yet I came to notice this error while reviewing some orders.

    There were actually 4 successfully sold tickets (check out the Total Revenue), but there were also 2 customers that tried to sign up and the order was cancelled due to time limit on stock hold.

    Could it be that the plugin wrongfully calculated the number of the sold tickets due to this behaviour?

    Looking forward to hear your thoughts on this.



    Hi and welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

    I would be happy to help further investigate. How exactly are you limiting the time the stock holds products in the cart? E.g. a plugin or code snippet added to your theme’s functions.php file.

    I think the best way to answer your question would be to set up a fresh WordPress installation where you can try replicating what you believe to have happened. Make sure you have only the default WordPress theme and The Events Calendar installed and activated on the test site.ย Please review ourย Using One License for Live and Dev Sitesย for more information.

    I noticed you selected ‘No’ to reverting back to the default WordPress theme and deactivating all plugins other than ours to see if you can reproduce the behavior. This is a required step to continue receiving troubleshooting. Please review our Testing for conflicts guide for more information.

    Let me know what you learn and we’ll continue investigating. Thanks and take care!

    Shadi Habbal


    I’m using WooCommerce own stock hold time feature (WooCommerce Settings > Products > Inventory > Hold Stock (minutes)).

    I can’t actually revert to default theme and/or disable plugins, because we’re in production.

    I will try replicating this behaviour on a fresh install, and/or clone our production into a staging domain, and then test your suggestion.

    If only I had 48 hours a day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Will appreciate leaving this ticket open pending further investigation.


    Shadi Habbal


    Just confirming that this behaviour is not limited to a single event, as it happened again today with a different recent event.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t notice the number of sold tickets before I manually cancelled the long pending order, otherwise we could have told if the number went haywire because of the cancelled order or not.



    Thank you for the update.

    If only I had 48 hours a day

    I hear you there! Please keep me posted on what you find out when you’re able to fully test on a non-production site. Have a great rest of your day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Shadi Habbal


    Here is another interesting case with another event.

    Here, it says, 8 orders (7 completed + 1 pending)

    But, actually there are (8 completed + 1 pending) orders.
    The pending order is made by someone who have already bought a ticket (so kind of a duplicate unpaid order)

    Now, after I have manually cancelled this duplicated order, this is how the orders view look now

    For some reason, there is 1 missing completed order.


    Welcome back,

    Can you confirm if this behavior is occurring on your test site? We first need to eliminate the potential for a theme and/or plugin conflict before proceeding. I believe you might be experiencing the behavior of a known bug, but need the results from the Testing for conflicts guide before I can know for certain.

    Please let me know what you find out and have a good rest of the day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Shadi Habbal


    I have duplicated our website into a staging subdomain.

    Changed the theme back to Twenty Sixteen.

    Disabled all plugins except for the ones shown in the following snapshot (this is taken from the actual staging website):

    and now let’s see how the events orders views are acting weird:

    and the only correct one is this:

    In the last event, I think that no orders were (auto cancelled due to timeout OR timed out but not auto cancelled until I did manually); whereas in the first two events, there were orders that timed out and either:
    – were cancelled by WooCommerce after 5 minutes (that’s what I chose for stock hold in WC settings), or
    – sat frozen there for days although they should have been cancelled by WC automatically; and I had to cancel them manually.

    I hope it helps now finding the real problem.


    Hi guys,

    We’re suffering from a similar problem and can confirm this problem. Do you also see the differences between the ‘sales’ page and the ‘attendees’ page?


    Shadi Habbal

    Hi Dirk,

    I confirm that the “Attendees” page seem to give correct stats.

    The cancelled orders are definitely negatively affecting the stats of the “Orders” page, as kinda being subtracted from the total sales. Weird *not really in programming*

    Looking forward to a solution.



    Hello and welcome back ๐Ÿ™‚

    Dirk, would you mind creating a separate thread for your issue? Doing so will help increase attention to the issue and help reduce the amount of confusion. Thanks and I’ll keep my eye on the incoming queue for your thread.

    Modar, at this time, I’m confident the behavior you’ve shared with me matches up with a known bug we have logged, so I’ve linked this forum thread to the ticket which helps expedite the process of getting a fix included in an upcoming release. I don’t have a precise date when it will be available, but please stay tuned to our Release Notes and the plugin changelogs for more information. Thanks again and let me know if you’ve got any additional questions or comments. Cheers!

    Shadi Habbal

    Alright, thanks for the heads up.

    Will be looking forward to seeing the fix hopefully soon.


    Hopefully it’s sooner rather than later! I unfortunately cannot provide any updated details on when a fix should be available, but as previously mentioned please stay tuned to our Release Notes and the plugin changelogs for more information. Thanks again and let me know if you’ve got any additional questions or comments. Cheers!


    Hi guys,

    I’m actually hoping that the new release with this option: might actually fix it.

    We decided to only start attendee records once the sales are finalized, maybe it works!


    Shadi Habbal

    Hi Dirk,

    That could be a possible temp. workaround, but not an actual fix, because it will prevent people from ‘manually’ adding orders and expecting same results.

    Thanks for your suggestion nevertheless.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Shadi Habbal.
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