Invalid sold tickets count!

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Invalid sold tickets count!

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  • #1233996

    Hello again 🙂

    Rest assured we’re hard at working trying to cover all potential scenarios. I’ve since checked the status of the logged bug but it’s still “Open” which means there is still work to be done.

    Our goal in including the recent additions Dirk mentioned was to alleviate some of the conflicts until everything is ironed out, so hopefully it does just that! Thanks again to the both of you for your in-depth reporting as it’s been extremely helpful to the developers and QA testers.

    Have a great week and please stand by for update information relative to this particular issue. Cheers!


    Hi guys,

    Unfortunately it did not work (as can be seen in the attached screenshots)

    We made 3 test sales:
    First sale: 4 tickets bought with iDEAL (direct bank-to-bank transfer, can be compared to creditcard)
    Second sale: 1 ticket bought with direct banktransfer (sale still pending, because the money is not transferred yet.)
    Third sale: A sale where the option iDEAL was chosen, but the payment was not finished so the order was automatically canceled
    We enabled global stock and set it on 20 tickets available

    Options chosen from the ‘new’ attendee handling part:
    When should attendee records be generated? “Completed”
    When should tickets be emailed to customers? “Complete”

    So we assumed that the order screen and attendee screen should only show the 4 tickets sold and not the rest (1 pending and 1 canceled before they were completed)

    As can be seen in the screenshots it’s not working correctly. The red squares are the parts that are funky. IMPORTANT SIDE DISCOVERY: Global stock is not reducing as can be seen!!!


    Thank you for sharing further details with me – I’m sure they’ll come in handy for the devs and QA testers as I mentioned before. I also notice you’re running versions 4.3.5 for all plugins. If you have not updated to versions 4.4.2 for TEC, PRO, ET, and ET+, it’s recommended you do so to avoid potential conflict.

    The fix for your initial issue is still being worked on, so hang tight while we iron out the kinks. Thanks for your patience and have a great rest of your week 🙂


    Hi Hunter,

    I think you’re looking into the plugin version of the original poster.
    We’re running these:

    Advanced Post Manager version 4.4 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    Event Tickets Plus version 4.4.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    Event Tickets version 4.4.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    The Events Calendar PRO version 4.4.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    The Events Calendar: Community Events Tickets version 4.4 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    The Events Calendar: Community Events version 4.4.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    The Events Calendar version 4.4.2 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(

    So it’s not caused by running outdated plugins,

    Hope the conflicts are fixed soon, also the new global stock options problem.. 😉


    Shadi Habbal

    I think you’re looking into the plugin version of the original poster.

    on the time of starting the topic, yes. We’ve updated since to the latest version(s).


    Thanks to the both of you for further clarifying. I was not saying the updates would address the issue at hand, I was emphasizing it’s always best to stay updated with the latest releases to avoid additional conflict. I hope this clears up any confusion I may have introduced in my last response 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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