How to Make Featured Image in Tooltip Clickable

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    Hi, I would like to make the featured image in my tooltip clickable, and not just clickable but I want it to redirect directly to the facebook page of the event I am hosting.

    To clarify, I am running facebook importer to pull events made on our facebook page directly to our site. Now when people are on our site viewing our events calendar I want them to be able to click on the title in the month view, the title in the tooltip and the image in the tooltip and have all of them take the user directly to the facebook event page.

    Can this be done?

    (and please don’t refer me to the other forum topic that’s slightly related to this because I don’t know php code and it doesn’t help me very much)

    Stephen G.


    Hey Stephen,

    What you’ve described could definitely be done, but might require the use of additional plugins/extensions and possibly some custom code. Check out the following extensions and see if you’re able to figure things out. I wish I was able to dedicate the time to come up with a working snippet, but our What support is provided for license holders? Knowledgebase article states we’re unable to assist in this situation.

    The files you’ll need to check out are located in the /the-events-calendar/src/views/month/ folder. Say you make a template override for /the-events-calendar/src/views/month/tooltip.php. You would save it with the following structure so the changes take effect and you don’t lose customizations when updating the plugins: [your-theme]/tribe-events/month/tooltip.php. Detailed instructions can be found in our Themer’s Guide.

    I understand it may seem complicated or more technical than you believe you’re capable of, but it’s honestly not that difficult. If you can copy/paste, that’s about all you’ll be doing. Watch this Customizing WordPress #1 – How To Create A Child Theme by LevelUpTuts YouTube video for a visual explanation of the process.

    If you want to see this feature incorporated into an upcoming release, visit our UserVoice Feature Ideas and submit any requests you’ve got. If things get beyond your level of expertise, you might want to look into hiring a reputable developer. We have a list of non-affiliated customizers that can help assist, but there are more affordable options if you look hard enough.


    I just deleted the tooltip. But I would like it if someone could add some code in this thread that would make my tooltip Title and Image clickable so I can copy and paste it in like you said. I got lost in massive post that is the themer’s guide and I’m still a little intimidated by php. I can’t be the only person who is having trouble with this, am I?



    Hey Stephen,

    I went ahead and attempted to come up with some working code in a limited amount of time but am coming up empty-handed. I’ve shared this request with my fellow support team members in hopes of getting a working solution for you, so hang tight while I pull some strings.

    In the mean time, please visit our UserVoice Feature Ideas and suggest this as a feature so our devs can incorporate it into a feature release. I see the validity in it and logic says the featured image should be linked to the event.

    Thanks and feel free to ping me if you don’t hear back within 24 hours. Cheers!



    I finally got you some working code 🙂

    Try creating a file with the following structure: [your-theme]/tribe-events/month/tooltip.php (refer to Themer’s Guide if you get caught up) and use the entire contents of this snippet. I tested on my local site and the tooltip featured event links to the corresponding event as you’re looking to do. Let me know if you run into any troubles. Cheers!


    This worked perfectly! Thank you soooooo much!!!!


    My pleasure! I’ll close this thread out but feel free to create a new one if you have any more questions or concerns. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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