Gravatar showing instead of attendee name

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  • #1160848

    I just installed Event tickets plus and in the public attendee list, the attendee’s name is not showing at all, simply a Gravatar. This is not acceptable by any mean.

    How do I change this?


    Hi John.

    Event Tickets Plus‘ public attendees list feature does include each user’s avatar or a default placeholder one if one cannot be found for them.

    I’m sorry this is not pleasing you, but there isn’t a quick and easy way to change this output.

    You could, however, follow the instructions from our Themer’s Guide — basically copy this file:


    to this location:


    and then make the edits you want there.

    However, the $attendees_list from this template file comes from get_attendees() from /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/Tribe/Attendees_List.php which doesn’t have a way to not get the avatars.

    You could request this as a new feature (or maybe search to see if the idea was already posted by someone else) at our plugins’ UserVoice page.

    This allows others who are interested in that feature to easily voice their support. We frequently review suggestions there to find out which ones are popular, then we implement as many of them as we can.

    If you post it / find it, feel free to link to it from here in case anyone comes across this forum thread in the future.


    My issue is not with the Avatar, it is the fact that it is displaying ONLY the Avatar and not the attendees name as advertised.


    My attendees-list.php file looks like this and I need to know what modifications to insert to show the actual name of the attendees either with or preferably without the avatars

    * Renders the attendee list for an event
    * @version 4.1
    <div class=’tribe-attendees-list-container’>

    <?php esc_html_e( ‘Who\’s Attending’, ‘event-tickets-plus’ ) ?>

    <?php echo esc_html( sprintf( _n( ‘One person is attending %2$s’, ‘%d people are attending %s’, $attendees_total, ‘event-tickets-plus’ ), $attendees_total, get_the_title( $event->ID ) ) ); ?>

    <ul class=’tribe-attendees-list’>
    <?php foreach ( $attendees_list as $attendee_id => $avatar_html ) { ?>
    <li class=’tribe-attendees-list-item’><?php echo $avatar_html; ?>
    <?php } ?>



    John, I believe I understand what you’re asking for, but we’re limited in helping with customizations, per our Scope of Support / Terms. I pointed you in the right direction, before, and am now providing you with a customization.

    However, I can provide you this customization (fully replaces the contents of your /wp-content/themes/YOUR-CHILD-THEME/tribe-events/attendees-list.php file that you copied from /wp-content/plugins/event-tickets-plus/src/views/attendees-list.php)

    It’s advisable to get your own developer involved to assist with your desired code customizations if you need more than what this snippet provides you, but I do hope it helps.

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.


    Hi Cliff:

    I didn’t think the public attendee list was a customization as if it was, why would the check box be there to hide it? I feel that the public attendees list for all attendees should be there out of the box.

    The code you sent me is very close to achieving this, but not quite. It does list each attendee as they sign up, but it only will list one single name and gets replaced by the name of the most recent attendee to sign-up.



    I see at that link that Fred Smith is the only one with an avatar and the only one with a name.

    Did you copy and paste the entire code? I wonder if the customization I shared didn’t get added to inside the foreach loop.

    If you did implement the custom attendees-list.php file correctly, then I’d suggest following our recommended troubleshooting steps:

    Could you please make sure all your Modern Tribe plugins (and WordPress core) are at their latest versions?

    Once you verify you’re on the latest versions, please test to see if the issue is still happening for you.

    If it is, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide (basically switch to TwentySixteen theme and deactivate all plugins and custom code other than Modern Tribe plugins) and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this.

    If it doesn’t, please enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG and share any PHP errors you see while changing tickets quantity, navigating your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and any other of your site’s pages relevant to this ticket.

    Then, please share your System Information (while in Testing for Conflicts mode).

    You might also see if you can spot any console errors at your site. (If needed, you may reference our KB article Using Google Chrome Developer Tools.)

    Let us know what you find out.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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