Google maps showing on some events not others

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Google maps showing on some events not others

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  • #1136406
    Catherine Devlin

    Why is the Google maps showing on one event but not another. I am not using API. I am using the community add-on.

    Working here:

    Not working here:

    And is not about ticking the map boxes.

    Do have a question though – if you are using the community add on and someone doesn’t tick the google map box – but admin ticks it in the backend – does this cause the problem?


    Hi Catherine,

    Thanks for reaching out! I’ll help you here.

    First of all let me note that Google changed their policy regarding map embeds, now you need to configure a maps API Key → Setting Up Your Google Maps API Key.

    If you are using the community add on and someone doesn’t tick the google map box – but admin ticks it in the backend – does this cause the problem?

    I guess this would be considered a bug. Do you think this might be the case? Can you make a test to confirm this?

    Can you please follow the steps described in our Testing for conflicts guide? This way we can see if this is a problem in our plugin or a conflict with the theme or other installed plugins.

    Also, can you try to set the event Meditation Mayham to have the venue from Connect in Kensington. Once you switch venues check the result on the front end. This should show us if there’s a venue thing or it might relate to the event itself.


    Catherine Devlin

    When I set up the API no maps embedded at all so I removed it.

    I changed the venue to Kensington and the Google map still didn’t show.

    I can’t see how it could be a theme conflict if it works on one but not another.

    Thanks – let me know your thoughts.


    Thanks for following up Catherine.

    When I set up the API no maps embedded at all so I removed it.

    Well that’s puzzling. Did you check for any errors in the browser console?

    I changed the venue to Kensington and the Google map still didn’t show.

    Ok, so if I understand correctly no matter what venue you set for that event, it won’t display the map? Is this happening with this event or with others? If you create a new one and assign the same venue does it show the map?

    I can’t see how it could be a theme conflict if it works on one but not another.

    It would be good to discard any conflicts. This case doesn’t seem like a conflict to me either, but most of JS related errors arise from conflicts.

    Have you tried to set lat & long values for the venue Wandering Community Resource Centre?

    Have a great weekend,

    Catherine Devlin

    I have done all above but this issue is still not resolved and from checking out the forums I can see I am not the lone ranger experiencing this issue. Any other suggestions?


    Hi Catherine,

    Thanks for following up and sorry for the delay in my reply!

    Can you please add the snippet below to your theme’s functions.php file? Once the snippet is in place visit the event page and check if the map is shown now, then remove the script!

    /* Force 'show map' option for given event id. Once the map is working remove this snippet */
    function tribe_force_show_map ( ) {

    $event_id = 2191;
    //2191 >

    update_post_meta ( $event_id, '_EventShowMap', 1);

    add_action ( 'init', 'tribe_force_show_map');

    I found a logged bug that might be taking part in this issue. Basically once the event is saved the checkbox to adjust map settings (and override whatever is defined in the venue settings) is not shown. A fix for this is coming out in next maintenance release 4.2.3 next week.

    Please let me know if this makes it right again,

    Catherine Devlin

    Thank you Nico,

    That did resolve the problem for that particular post but there are many other posts with the same issue. Is there a global snippit I can add.

    Thanks for your support.


    You are welcome Catherine! Glad to hear we are close to solve this 🙂

    Do you want to enable this for every event in your site? In case not, is there a rule or pattern to identify which events to modify?

    Please let me know about it and I’ll craft a snippet to bulk update all events.


    Catherine Devlin

    Thanks Nico – sorry I have taken so long to make contact.

    Yes I do want to enable this for every event.

    Kind regards


    Hey Catherine,

    No worries on the delay of your reply!

    Paste the snippet below in your functions.php file and let me know if it works for you:

    * Causes calendar to always show Google Map and Link, regardless of individual event settings
    add_filter( 'tribe_embed_google_map', '__return_true' );
    //add_filter( 'tribe_show_google_map_link', '__return_true' );

    Uncomment the second line to always show the map link as well.

    Please let me know if this helps,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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